A Pink School

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Natsuko stared, horrified, at her new school uniform. "I have to wear this?!" She almost screamed. Her maid nodded. Sayako, Natsuko's nurse, had been caring for Natsuko since infancy. When her mother had died, Natsuko had needed a nurse, Sayako had been selected by her father to care for her. Sayako was mute, so she couldn't speak. "Ok." Natsuko sighed. She struggled into the dress, and left for school.
In the car, Natsuko reviewed the file on her target. "Mitskuni Hanninozuka.... a world champion martial artist... heir to the Hanninozuka dojo line... huh, this doesn't look too hard..." "Miss we've arrived." Called the driver. "Yes thank you." She climbed out of the car and her jaw nearly hit the floor. "The school... is pink... why pink?!" She ran up the steps, almost tripping in the black heels she was wearing. The good thing about the frilly dress was that she could hide weapons in it. Natsuko currently had three sets of twelve throwing knives, a pistol, and a set of three hunting knives, all hid in the filler of her dress. She ran down halls, one turn after the next. Then, on a flight of stairs, she tripped. Natsuko shielded her face, bracing herself for the fall. A hand caught her, keeping her off the ground. "Be careful! These stairs are pretty steep." Natsuko looked up to find a ginger haired boy looking down at her. "T-thanks!" She stammered. "Why am I acting so weird?" She thought. "Why is my heart racing?" "No problem. You wouldn't happen to be Natsuko Hayashi?" He asked. "Um yes! That's me!" "Oh! I was told to show you around for your first few days... but I need to meet my twin at the Host Club." "I was just on my way there! I was going to request you and your brother!" "Then let's go." The two walked to the music room. The boy offered Natsuko his hand on the last staircase. "Thank you. I forgot to ask... you're.... Kaoru right?" "You can tell which twin I am?" "Yes! Why wouldn't I?" Kaoru just kept walking. They entered the music room, and immediately all eyes were on them. Angry eyes. Jealous eyes. And then Natsuko realized she was still holding Kaoru's hand. She pulled her hand away, blushing furiously. My first day and half of the girls here already hate me for holding his hand.... She thought bitterly. Kaoru lead her to a table and offered her a chair. "Thank you." Suddenly a blonde boy was at her side. "I see we have a new princess! What is your name beautiful?" The boy offered me a rose. He's soooo obnoxious! Natsuko thought. "Natsuko, not that I'll be talking to you." She snapped defensively. He seemed to be the type of guy who played with girls emotions. He fell back as if an arrow had gone through his heart. Natsuko smirked evilly. "I've heard of you Tamaki Suoh. You're the so called princely type and the "King" of this club. But you just like being fawned over." "I dont-" "Now now Tamaki, let the lady continue." She turned sharply, standing. "And you are Kyoya Ootori, Vice President of this club. Youngest heir to the Ootori business. You're the "cool type" though I have no idea what that means." Kyoya tried to look calm, but Natsuko could see the shock in his eyes. "Wow Natsu-chan, you're amazing!" Came a sweet sounding voice from below me. Natsuko looked down to see him. "Mitskuni Hanninozuka." She said sweetly. "I have heard so much about you! Five time world martial arts champion, respected host and friend. It's an honor to meet you." Natsuko extended her hand. "Wow! You're so nice Natsu-chan!" Hunny said, and he hugged her. "Uh thanks?" She looked behind the crowd to see Takashi Morinozuka staring at her. She locked gazes with him. Trying to let her eyes tell him she was safe. He nodded the slightest bit, telling her it was ok for her to hug Hunny. Natsuko wrapped her arms around the small boy, and suddenly realized what she was doing. "This is who you were sent to kill Natsuko... don't get attached." Her thoughts sneered. " As soon as this job is over you'll go back to being the loser with the gun. Always going from school to school on mission after mission... never getting a chance at a normal life."  Natsuko let go of Hunny. The boy smiled happily up at her. "Ahem, where were we? Ah yes, you two, Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachin. I'm in your class. You to are the heirs to the Hitachin fashion empire. I am looking forward to spending time with all of you." She sat down in her chair. "Kaoru, I believe we were on the middle of something?"

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