The Quest For Suoh

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Natsuko had always hated not being in control. So this game was going to be hard. "I can tell you aren't used to being given orders on a mission, you're used to giving them." Kyoya said. "So... to make sure you stay in line, we'll make a deal. If you can stay behaved and take orders, I will give you three thousand yen. Obviously you want some money for yourself." It was true, she had been saving up money from her jobs. "And if you don't, you have to become a hostess." "WHAT?!" Natsuko almost screamed. She calmed herself. "Fine. It's a deal Ootori." They shook hands. And then Kyoya led them to where Tamaki was supposedly hiding. "Natsuko, you go around that way." Kyoya ordered. "Hiro you go that way." "Kyoya! That's a horrible plan. The strategy is all wrong for this setting." "What was our agreement?" "Ugh fine." And they moved into position. Suoh is going to see us coming... Natsuko thought. So she moved out of her position and hid. When Tamaki spotted Hito he ran towards Natsuko, and she caught him. "HAHA! Told you your plan would fail!" She taunted Kyoya. He just smiled coldly. "Natsuko..." he said calmly. "You disobeyed orders. A deal is a deal." Natsuko's face fell. "Oh no.... no no no no... this can't be happening!"

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