Glasses, Roses and Guns

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Natsuko walked briskly out of the horrid pink academy. "Are you sure you don't want me to accompany you home?!" Tamaki yelled after her. "Yes Suoh I'm sure." And she walked on. Reaching a small commoners park, she went into the bathroom, changed into a red tank top and jeans, and grabbed her skateboard from the hidden cove, right where her father said it would be. She glided out onto the sidewalk and saw Tamaki and Kyoya following quietly behind her. Kyoya walked out in the open, while Tamaki darted from bush to bush. And then two men in dark clothes leapt out of the bushes, grabbing the two boys. Natsuko stopped spun around and aimed two guns at the men's heads. She had gotten the guns from her messengers bag. "Let them go." She said evenly. The men looked unfazed. "Why should we girl?" "I said let them go. Or do you want to experience the pain of a Hayashi attack?" At the mention of her family, the men's faces lost all color. "No ma'am! We didn't want any trouble!" "That's what I thought. Now beat it!" The thugs ran. "You guys ok?" Natsuko asked. "Yes we're unharmed." Kyoya said, pushing up his glasses with one finger. "I didn't know you had guns!" Tamaki wailed. "Daddy's little girl shouldn't have guns!!!!!! MOMMYYYY!!" "Oh shut it. Suoh I wasn't going to shoot you. But you're starting to make me consider it!" Natsuko snapped. "Now, if you two don't mind, I have family business to attend to." "What kind of family business?!" Tamaki was still yelling. "If you must know, I have relatives visiting and my father has some activities planned for us to do and he's on a tight schedule so I need to be going." "Would your father mind if we visited? I believe my father is doing business with your family. He's buying quite a supply of weapons from the Hayashi family for our private police force." "I guess. Kyoya you can come, but I don't think it's a good idea for Suoh to come." "I WANT TO COME!" Tamaki yelled defiantly. "Fine, let me call my dad." Natsuko pulled out her phone, and dialed her father's number. "Dad?" "Hello Natsuko, what is it?" "I was wondering if I could bring some... friends home. Can I?" "Fine Natsuko, but your cousins are already here. Make it quick." "Yes sir. Sorry. Some friends of mine were mugged and I was helping them." "Fine. Goodbye Natsuko." "Love you dad." "Love you too."
Natsuko hung up and turned to the two hosts. "You guys can come but we gotta hurry." And they were off. "Natsuko," Kyoya said. "What kind of activities does your family partake in?" "Um... you'll see."
Natsuko, Kyoya, and Tamaki finally reached the Hayashi manor. Natsuko's little cousin, Mae came running down the driveway. "Natsuko!" She yelled happily. "Hey Mae!" Natsuko said, smiling widely. "Happy Birthday! Big number six!" "I know! Mommy gave me my first pistol! And she signed me up for a Hanninozuka martial arts class!" "Awesome! Guess what?" "What Natsuko?" "I met Mitskuni Hanninozuka!" "Really?! WOW!" "So you're a fan of Mitskuni?" Came Kyoya's voice from behind me. I turned to see him standing alone. Tamaki was hiding in the bushes. "YEAH!" Mae said. "He's my favorite martial artist 'cause he's small like me, but he's a super fighter!" Tamaki looked kinda frightened by the fact that a six year old was given a pistol. Just wait Suoh... Natsuko thought.
(Time skiiiiiiiip)
Moments later, Natsuko was standing in her family's indoor shooting range, holding a plastic pellet pistol. "Wow dad, I haven't seen one of these things since I was three!" She said, holding the pistol in her right hand. "Well, we're using them because Mae is playing this time." "K." And then a buzzer went off. Natsuko ran off to track down her  older cousin, Hiro. The range was designed to train assassins so it simulated all sorts of weather situations and time situations. I wonder where Kyoya and Tamaki went... Natsuko thought as she crept down a fake alley. Suddenly, she heard the tiniest noise behind her. She whipped around, silent as the night. And then Natsuko saw it. A small head of red hair peeking out from behind a stack of boxes.  She leapt over the boxes, spinning in mid air, landing to face Hiro. "Gotcha!" She said happily. "Wanna be on a team Natsuko? We'll crush it!" "Sure Hiro, but first let's do something about your hair." Natsuko laughed. She took some brown temporary dye and dyed her cousin's hair. Hiro hand amazing aim, but wasn't really great at the stealth part of a mission. And the two trekked off together. "Hey Hiro?" "Yeah Natsuko?" "Would you mind if we tracked down some friends of mine? They're playing this game too." "Oh! Are they the two weirdos in fancy clothes? The tall ones? One has glasses and a little book? The other is blonde with violet eyes right? They're good looking." Natsuko chuckled quietly at her cousin's crush. "Hiro.... when are you going to stop denying to me that you're gay?" "Fine, I'm gay. Happy? Don't tell my mom." Natsuko ruffled Hiro's hair. "I promise I won't." The two continued walking. "Hold it right... there." Said a cold voice from behind them. "Kyoya!" Natsuko said, turning around. "I knew you'd come out eventually. You were sooo obvious following us! Now you can either join us and take down Suoh.... or get shot." The last part was growl. Kyoya looked behind Natsuko to see that, while she was talking, Hiro had raised his gun to be level with his head. Natsuko saw the shock and... was that fear in his cold eyes? "I see, well played Natsuko." He said, offering his hand to her as a symbol of alliance. "I will help you find Tamaki, on one condition." "And what would that be Ootori?" "That I lead this mission." "What?! Hold it Ootori, I run my own missions." Natsuko snapped. "Well if you're not willing..." his eyes flashed evilly. "I guess I could always tell little Hiro's mother his secret..." Hiro gasped, tears coming to his eyes. "Natsuko!" He whispered, tears streaming down his face. "It's okay Hiro." She said. Then she turned to Kyoya. "Fine Ootori, you win."

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