°Chapter Two°

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(Picture of Nao/\)

Who is that i didnt invite them...
I thought.
They both immediately stop argueing with eachother and look at me.
"what are you doing in my house..." i say quietly.
"Your house?!" They both say at the same time.
I flinch.
"My lease starts here today." Says the unfamiliar handsome boy.
"So does mine!" Nao says.
I sigh.
"Lets go to the office and see what the problem with our leases are." Says the boy
"Smart idea!"
Says nao cheerfully.
I give another quick sigh as the male rolls his eyes at naos positive attitude in this kind of situation.
After a few minutes of walking we reach an office with graffiti that says 'Closed for good' "anyone else got any ideas?" Nao states.
"Lets go see the landlady."
Nao and i nod and follow the male to an old house with a old woman sitting on the porch drinking tea.
We all sit down at the table shes at.
"Land lady we would like to speak to you about somthin-"
"I know why your here"
The male is cut off by the old womans soft voice.
"Show me your leases."
Without hesitation we all pull out our leases and line them side- by- side.
"There all the same..." i whisper.
"Youve all been scammed"
"Scammed?!" We all say at the same time in shock.
"Yes, scammed. Ive seen this many, times, first the burgalars get a few victims make them pay for the one house and run off with the money."
The male looks tensed up by this.
I stay silent knowing that ill just cause more trouble.
"Is there any way to catch these people?" The boy says.
"No, they have probably already ran off with the money,"
The woman looks at me with a confused look, "and you look a little young to be living on your own young lady."
I stay silent.
"How can we afford ¥100,000???"
Nao said to herself.
"Thank you for the help..."
The male said looking a little bummed.
"If i find out anything i will come straight to you uehara. " the old woman smiled and we left.  We arrived back in the building. I unlocked the door and pulled it open. I then grab my stuff and head for the bedroom.
"What do you think your doing?" Says uehara in a stern tone.
"Unpacking. I dont think both of you alone could afford ¥100,000 could you?"
I said with a calm voice.
Ive been like this since my parents left me...always quiet, always alone.
"Lets all live togather then!"
Nao says.
W- wait...w- what did she just say???
I drop my stuff out of shock.
"Um..u- uhm thats not okay..."
I say as i pick up all the things that fell out of the box i dropped.
"Are you crazy?!" The boy says clearly distressed.
"Not crazy but smart. I mean think about what you just said how can one of us alone afford  ¥100,000???"
Uehara looked down in realization.
"Im moving as soon as theres an opening in the girls dorms. " i say as i walk into my room and unpack.
I hear nao nag uehara for a bit more and then i hear a big sigh and uehara say "fine!"
Meaning i was going to live with a boy!?

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