°Chapter 19°

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No ones pov.

"Jimin. Marry me."
Uehara started.
"Be mine...forever."

Jimin was in a state of shock
She was confused.

She said thoroughly.
"Why is this so sudden?? You don't talk to me for months and now you all of a sudden want to marry me??
What kind of system is that!"
Jimin said frowning.
"I take it back I don't know."

Ueharas smile slowley faded into a sad sad smirk.

"I understand. Jimin-kun..."
Uehara spouted.

she shouted.

Uehara raised an eyebrow.

she screamed.

Uehara nodded as his sad smirk turned into a rather cold and emotionless  expression.

Jimin walked past him and stopped beside him.

"There is no happily ever after in my world..."
She said as she slammed her door.

Weeks past and not a word they spoke to each other. Jimin felt sorrow and regret from their fight.
It was so awkward they both ended up moving out of the house.
This was the end.
It wasn't a happily ever after....

School was in session again after a long vacation and uehara was back to being cold hearted. He was worse now then he was in highschool.

"Hey jimin!! How is it!!??"
Keita said to jimin as they walked in each others direction.
Jimin said in a depressing state.
"No somethings up with you. After you visited your grandma at the hospital yesterday you've been depressed..."
Keita insisted.
Jimin nodded.
"Keita. Your my most trusted friend. And I can leave it to you not to tell my secrets right...?"
He nodded curiously.
"The truth is..."
Jimin leaned over to whisper in keitas ear.
She started crying.
"I-I- Have cancer..."
His eyes widened.
He screamed.
Everyone around looked at jimin and keita.
"SHHH I'm only in stage 2 but I do faint a lot and it can be serious if I don't get to a doctor in time."
Jimin said.
"Don't tell anyone..."
He nodded crying.
Time passed and it was break time.
Also known as lunch time.

"Hey uehara!!"
Keita said.
"What do you want?"
Uehara said coldly.
"Well... Your my best friend and I can trust you to keep secrets right..?"
Keita said imitating jimin.
"Hmph well what is it?."
He hummed.
"You know that girl Sung, Jimin?"
Keita started.
"If this is something to do with drama I'm out."
Uehara said getting up
"Nononono!!! She's dying..."
Ketai said quietly.
Uehara dropped his tray.
"Huh? How come?!"
He said with concern.
"Shes... Got..erm well. She's got.."
Keita stuttered.
"Spit it out!!!"
Uehara yelled.
"  S h e s   g o t   c a n c e r .  .  .  "
Keitas words mimicked in ueharas head .
He ran and ran until he found the class jimin was in.
He walked in instantly getting stares and fangirl Shrieks.
"Sung, Jimin?"
He called out.
She looked over.
Uehara wanted to cry. She looked like an actually piece of thread. She was anorexic...
"Come with me please..."
He stated.
She nodded and followed him.
They stopped walked and he leaned against the wall of the hallway.
"U-uehara kun... I-im so sorry for r-,rejecting you..."
She said.
"Your sorry for that?!"
He said.
He wrapped his arms around jimin.
"If you die. I'll die.. I never told you this directly...but jimin...I love you more than words can say..."
Uehara said as her eyes widened and teared up.
"H-he told you. . . heheh"
She said in her weak voice.
"The truth is uehara hisashi...is I love you more than words can speak too and if I'm going to die I just wanted to let you know that." She said with tears streaming down her face.
"I'm sorry I rejected you.
I was stupid...I wanted to marry you...
But things were going on... I'm sorry.."
He eyes started growing weak and faint.
She fell to the ground saying one last sentence.

"Have a happily ever after. . ."

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