°Chapter 13°

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"Onii- chan?!"
I said with a shocked expression.

"Baby sister...its...its really you...?"
Jeremy said.

I stood up and was basically crying.

And i tackled him.

"Onii- chan i- i missed you s- so much!!!"

"I missed you too sis."
Jeremy said being as calm as ever.

"Can we go inside im freezing."
Jeremy said as he wiped of my tears.

I nodded.

I was still crying as i opened the door and walked in with jeremy.

I cried even more as i hugged him.
We both walked in through the second door to the main room.

He stood still in the middle of the room.

And i took the opportunity to hug him even more.

"Who is this."
Jeremy said.

I turned around as i saw uehara with a confused look on his face.
I had tottaly forgotten uehara was there.

"Umm. Thats uehara...uehara this is jeremy my long lost brother."

I couldnt help but smile as uehara stood up and looked confused.

He was so...cute.
but...he is handsome....

Jeremy had a smug look on his face.

"Its nice to meet you sung- senpai."
Uehara said.

"Call him jeremy." I said as i smiled.

Uehara nodded and went into the kitchen.

Jeremy sat down and i cuddled him on the couch.

"Jin, jin. What did they do to you when they took us away."
Jeremy asked me.

My smile had suddenly faded.
"Its nothing jeremy really.
But what happened to you!?! I thought you were dead!!!"

I yelled.

Jeremy shrugged.
"I dont remember. But at least i have you sis. Ive been looking for you for 5 years now."

Uehara came out of the kitchen with tea.

He handed jeremy a cup.

"So what happened to begin with."
Uehara chimed in.

"Thats none of your bu-"

"He has some right to know."
I said.

I got comfortable and started.
"It was october 30th and jeremy was out with friends. I was asleep in bed. As were my parents. I woke up at about 12:00 am and had been spooked by the sound of loud thuds.
I had wandered to my parents bedroom.
Instead of the silky white sheets they had.
It was painted with coats of thick blood...i- i was s- so s- scared..."

I stuttered as i started crying.

"And as soon as i stepped into the room the door was slammed behind me and i was tied up and knocked out.
The person...had black hair and brown eyes. I remember his face. And name.
I was brought to a house in the xitu and chained to the wall in the basement of his house..."
I sniffled.

"Then he brought jeremy and had killed him...or so i thought."

I continued crying.

"That man...h- he hurt me...
Then thats when it happened.
On october 31st he did things to me...
He stabbed me..."

I lifted my shirt so theu could the the bandages still on me.
They had worried faces.

"He also did things i didnt understand....h- he took somthing precious from me that night...."

"And what was that...? What did that man take from you...?"
Jeremy stated.

I looked at him with sopping wet eyes.

"I experienced it...."

Jeremy hugged me as uehara came over and hugged me too makeing a jeremy\uehara sandwich.

I blushed at ueharas touch.

"I didnt know...im sorry...."
Uehara whispered.

"Mom and dad would have been proud of you my brave little sister."

Jeremy kissed my forehead.

I blushed.

I had a crush on jeremy ever since i was little. But i didnt really now.

'I was in love with uehara hisashi.'

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