4: Denial

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Seungcheol is Thalia's boyfriend? He's that future husband she was talking about? And yet, she doesn't know how popular Seventeen is? She probably doesn't even know that the boys are idols! Well, you can't blame her because she works almost 24/7 in her coffeeshop, but still! She's been living in Korea for years! It's impossible she doesn't know about them!

"Y/N-ah?" You heard Mingyu so you turned around.
"See? You're lost. You don't even know where the restroom is yet you left alone."
"I forgot." You said as he walked to you. It made him laugh.
"I didn't know you would be that clumsy."

You looked at him feeling alarmed. Did you just turn him off?! Omo!~

"Like me." He added making you feel relieved. "Should I lead you to the restroom?"
"If it's okay."
"Aish! Of course it is! We're friends now!"

He threw his arm around your shoulders and led you to the restroom. He's so tall you feel like a dwarf. You find it funny and amazing that you're really with him right now. Earlier, you were just a normal Carat riding a plane to go where most of them were born. Now, it's a dream come true!~

"Y/N, wake up! Are you crazy? You're dreaming of this whole thing, right? This can't be true. This can't be real. That's Mingyu outside! That tall fluffy giant is right there waiting for you! The rest of hiphop unit is in the dining room with your friend! This can't be real, right?" You whispered to your reflection on the mirror. Seventeen is driving you crazy!~
"Y/N, are you done yet?" Mingyu asked you so you quickly went out of the restroom.
"Ne. Let's go back."
"After you."

You smiled at him and started walking, his hands in his pockets. Thalia's house is not too big, but it's confusing with all the hallways. You walked slowly hoping you won't make the wrong turn as you walked.

"Who's your bias?" He suddenly asked.
"My what?"
"Your bias. You said you're a Carat. Carats have biases, right? The one they like the most..."
"Ah. Yes. I...uhhh...well, it's really hard to choose only one, you know, among you all. You're thirteen, thirteen adorable boys!"
"Oh. Ok." He said nodding his head. He sounds disappointed.
"Can I ask you too?"
"You're already asking." He said laughing. "Just kidding. Go ahead."
"How can you speak English fluently?"

You somehow expected him to say "I English very well." It's actually nostalgic now that you can hear him speak in English in person. He's fluent but still sounds the same. His laughter is still the same. It's so cute. You tried so hard not to laugh remembering it.

"Ah. That. Shua hyung and Vernonnie teaches when we're not busy. Sometimes Aron hyung helps us too. Do you know him?!"
"Ne. From Nu'est."
"Right! And...sometimes I study on my own. I want to learn it so I can talk to our fans without language barrier. Also, since I met Thalia, she taught me more." He explained slowly walking too.
"About that, how did you meet her? It's like she doesn't know about Seventeen."
"Ah! Ne. She doesn't know. I met her in her coffeeshop. I brought Seventeen along one time and that's how she and Coups hyung met. Coups hyung told us not to tell her about our group. He said it's good that she doesn't know. "
"Because our manager said so. We're trying to stay away from any trouble."
"Mwo? Don't you trust eonni?" You asked him.
"We do, but since she knows nothing right now, we're still afraid she might react differently from what we expected if she finds out."
"Isn't it hard hiding it from her? Your group is really popular!"
"Not really. Thalia doesn't care about anything but her coffeeshop. She doesn't even watch tv unless she has visitors." He said laughing again.

Before you knew it, you're already back in the dining room. You both sat back on your seats and continued eating. It's as if nothing happened. Well, nothing happened at all really. But, you still feel uneasy.

Thalia is your friend, but it doesn't look good to know that she doesn't know her boyfriend well. To think that she's planning to marry Seungcheol, isn't that worrisome? No one should marry someone he/she doesn't know well. Or are you just being selfish because you don't want Seungcheol to get married at all?

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