8: Hoshi's Ex

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"OPPA!~" You jumped and hugged Soonyoung tightly as if you'll never let go of him.

He had to step back a little to maintain his balance because the impact was almost too much for him. However, he's not mad or annoyed. He just laughed and held you carefully making sure you don't fall. You pulled away a little to look at his face. You poked his chubby cheek and squealed.

"Omo! You're really Hoshi!" You told him.
"Why are you so happy?!"
"Oh. It's Soonyoung oppa. What Hoshi were you talking about? Wait! Do you know each other already?! Why are you clinging to him, Y/N-ah?!" Thalia said as she came.
"I...uhhh..." I immediately let go of Hoshi while he let you down carefully.
"She's my ex." Hoshi suddenly said pulling you against him.
"MWO?!"You and Thalia said.

You both said the same thing, but yours was louder and sounds more shocked. Who wouldn't be shocked?! You're his ex?! When did that happen?! How on earth?!

"What?! You didn't tell me you had a Korean boyfriend!" Thalia said both shocked and excited.
"What? I..."
"Aigoo. Don't tell me you're going to deny it. You just told me you still love me. You little cute girl!" Soonyoung said pinching your cheek.
"Omo! You look so good together! Why did you even break up?!"
"Eonni, it's not-"
Hoshi put a finger on your lips stopping you. "I got this, jagiya. Long-distance relationships are just hard especially when we're both busy. I'm happy she's finally here in Korea! We'll be together now!~"

You stared at him shocked at everything he sees. Why is he even doing this?! Seriously! It's not like you're complaining because it's not just a right. It's a privilege to be his girlfriend! Or at least...his ex.

"Maybe you can get back together! I can see you still love each other! Omo!~ You look so cute!"
"Uhhh...can...can we talk first? Alone..." You said awkwardly.
"Oh! Sure! Sure! I know you need some time to catch up on each other! Feel free to use the guest room!" Thalia said.

You gave her a warning look and she laughed at you. You gently pulled Soonyoung inside the house and led him to the kitchen. You made sure Thalia is in her room before facing him again.

"Ok. I know it's weird to be hugged by a complete stranger who actually knows your name, but...TELLING PEOPLE A STRANGER IS YOUR EX IS WEIRDER!" You whispered to him.
He just laughed at you like you're a madman.
"What are you laughing at?!"
"You're too cute. It's a shame you're not really my ex." He said making your heart skip a beat.

WHY ARE THEY ALL SUCH FLIRTS?! Did he just say what?! What the... First, Wonwoo said you have a date. Now, Hoshi just lied about you being his ex. Wait. Speaking of Wonwoo...

"Wait. Isn't Wonwoo supposed to be here too?" You asked him.
"Ah! He was still sleeping when I left the dorm. He'll be here by 9. Don't worry. I just came earlier than him because I'm excited to meet you. I didn't know why. Now I do."
"Oh. So...uhhh..."
"Kwon Soonyoung, 23, your handsome ex who regrets breaking up with you." He said extending a hand to you while smiling heavenly.
You couldn't help but giggle. "Y/N, 20, your lucky ex who is grateful she found you again."

You shook hands with him while laughing at each other. It feels so light and cozy. Talking to him is what I mean. It feels like you've known him for years already. Well, you do. But, you feel like he's your friend even if it's your first meeting.

"I'm sorry about that hug." You told him trying to suppress more laughter.
"It's ok. I'm...glad you did that." He said smiling at you.
"Why would you be?"
"I didn't know how I would react to someone I don't know personally asking if I'm Hoshi. It's kinda strange for me to be friends with a Carat. I mean...Carats only come to me to ask for my signature or a picture with me." He said turning a little shy.
You laughed at him. "I'm sure Carats want to be friends with you. They just don't know how to show it."
"It's not that I'm complaining about you, but I hope not every Carat would jump to me to be friends with me." He said making you laugh.

The kitchen was filled with more laughter, louder and louder until your tummies hurt as you talked and talked. It's a lovely day to meet your ex for the first time.

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