My Name

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*chapter three*



It felt like hours before we finally reached the cave. My legs were sore but I wasn't tired. "Follow me," Phoebe instructed. She walked to the side of the cave, then began to climb the wall. The cave wall was at least ten meters and she reached the top within 25 seconds. She turned to look down at me and barked. How was I supposed to climb that? Realizing that I already disappointed Phoebe once today, I decided to try. Everything was always just out of reach, so it took me three minutes to climb. I reached the top out of breath and panting, waiting for Phoebe to stare at me disappointed, but instead, she offered a small nod of approval and walked over to the ledge. I followed, sitting beside her.

"Howl," Phoebe instructed.

"What?" I asked.

"You heard me, howl." I looked up at her. I'd only ever heard two howls, less than a few hours ago. Phoebe shook her head and sat up, taking a deep breath, then howled. Her howl was loud, and deep, and strong. It never faltered once and it radiated independence, strength, and power. It was an Alpha howl, but more, there was something different laced into it, entwining with it. It was hypnotizing. When she finished howling she looked expectantly at me, I felt worse. My howl would never be half as powerful as hers.

I sat the same way she did, took a deep breath, shut my eyes and howled. It was quiet, squeaky and weak, but after some practice, Phoebe made my howl much better. Phoebe taught me how to growl deeply and make the sound radiate, how to bark fiercely, showing that I don't play games, and how to snarl. She explained that over time it would get better. Phoebe let me lay down for a few minutes before telling me my task. Hunting. I had to use my sense of smell to track down a scent trail of any animal bigger than a raccoon. I was to kill it and bring it back here if I could drag it. It seemed simple enough.

I walked around for about fifteen minutes before I caught a faint scent trail. I trudged around sniffing wildly before I heard something. The scent was of a stag. It stood a few feet away, so I got into pouncing position like Phoebe taught me. I counted down in my head. One...Two...Thre- but a heave of snow fell from above me and the stag caught sight of me. The stag ran but I lunged off of a log, slamming it into the ground. I didn't want the animal to suffer so I bit down on its neck, immediately killing it.

I began to drag the stag back to the cave, which it turned out I was closer to then I thought. When I returned Phoebe gave me a nod of approval.

"I didn't think you'd be able to catch anything." She admitted. We began to eat, and after Phoebe dragged what was left away from the cave so other animals would receive the chance to feast. "Do you know why I made you do all of those things?" She asked me, I shook my head. "I was trying to figure out a name for you, what would suit you best. What name was, you." I nodded. "Would you like to know your name?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Artemis. Artemis is your name." She smiled.

"What does it mean?" I asked.

"Artemis is the name of a greek goddess. The goddess of the moon, hunting, archery, nature, and fertility. She had a twin brother named Apollo, who was the god of the sun, music, and healing. Artemis was strong and independent, and she was the protector of nature, all animals, tame or wild. She swore to never marry or fall in love. I choose Artemis because you're already adjusted to nature, you blend in well with the night. And when you brought the stag back, I noticed you choose immediate death, so it wouldn't suffer. That's why you shall be called Artemis." Phoebe smiled, and I noticed how her eyes lit up with pride as she spoke.

We went to bed after Phoebe told me my name. The next day I was alone in the cave. Phoebe wasn't there, and I didn't know where she was. I knew I shouldn't leave the cave without her because it was dangerous and I wouldn't be able to fend for myself very well, but my curiosity got the best of me. I sat up and did a long stretch. I was still stiff and tired. I looked around for the exit of the cave. I decided I would just try to track Phoebe's scent. Slowly I made my way outside. When I looked around the corner I saw Phoebe dragging a dead animal back to the cave.

"Morning Phoebe," I said.

She looked up and stared at me. "Good morning." She responded flatly. I could tell that she was unhappy with me.

"What did I do?" I asked.

"Well first thing, you slept till noon, and you're still sitting doing nothing, while I'm dragging our two hundred pound breakfast over." She snarled. I rushed over and helped her carry breakfast to the front of the cave. Phoebe was fully capable of carrying it but she was probably tired.

Once we dropped it Phoebe started eating. I sat in the cave waiting for her to finish so I could have a turn. Phoebe looked up at me. "Why aren't you eating with me?" She asked.

"Because I am younger and I should eat after you have finished," I told her, she nodded. I hoped I had gained some respect and trust from her.

After we both ate, Phoebe decided she was going to get a little more sleep. She said I was allowed to look around the forest. I wasn't quite sure where I wanted to go. I decided I would go to where it all started or ended, I guess. It took me a while to find the frozen water that cracked and I died in. It was weird thinking about how I had died. And yet I was standing here, right now, alive and breathing. I put my paw on the ice. It felt cold. I took another step. I was petrified that the ice would crack again. It took me a while to get across the river. When I was standing on the frozen, snow-covered ground again I started to run. I effortlessly jumped over logs, rocks, and uprooted tree roots.

I had been running for a while when I came to the edge of the forest. All my life had been built in this small town. I had never feared for my life before I was 7. That's when everything changed. That's when I first started fleeing to the forest. It was my safe place. I knew it like the back of my hand. Or paw now, I guess. It was the only place the guards couldn't find me. I was safe here. The guards were terrified of the animals here. I wasn't. That's why I had always hidden from them here. But now, this was my home. I would never have to leave here. This is where my life would change. This is where my life did change. I never want to go back.

I wanted to go and look around town to see if the guards were still looking for me. But I knew how dangerous that could be. A wild animal walking around town, I would surely be shot or be caught and be put as a zoo attraction. People were cruel. I had always hated the zoo, taking animals out of their natural habitats. But there was never anything I could do. I was snapped out of my thoughts when my stomach growled. I guess I had been out here longer than I thought. I turned and started to head back.

I crossed the ice with no problem but when I reached the other side I realized I had no clue how to get back. My best chance was to howl and hope that Phoebe heard me. But I knew it wouldn't work. I was starting to worry. It was getting dark and if another wolf found me, they may not be as nice as Phoebe was. I started to howl and bark. When I got nothing I decided I would just look for something familiar. By the time I found something familiar, it was dark out. An hour later I had found the cave and Phoebe were there waiting for me expectantly. She seemed disappointed in me.

"I'm sorry, I got lost," I whispered.

"It doesn't matter. Just next time I won't let you go out alone. I should have known you wouldn't have been able to find your scent easily." She said. I felt bad. Phoebe had given me a chance to prove myself and I failed horribly by getting lost and taking hours to find my way back. Phoebe walked past me.

"I will be going hunting tonight. You will stay here. It is going to snow heavily and I could lose you so you will stay here." Phoebe told me sternly.

"Yes, Phoebe." I nodded. I wish I could go with her but I knew better than to disobey her. I knew I was pretty much grounded. I guess I deserved it. I turned to say goodbye but she was already gone. I walked to the back of the cave and found a spot, so I curled up and fell asleep...


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