Frozen Screams

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*chapter five*



"Phoebe! You're okay?!" I shouted, jumping back. Her eyes opened slowly, she was tired. "I'll call the others, and we'll get you inside to rest." Phoebe nodded and closed her eyes. I walked over to the front of the cave to howl. Seconds later three howls filled the air, telling me that they had heard me and were coming. "They're coming Phoebe," I whispered to her. After a few minutes, Rome and the other two wolves appeared. "She's awake," I told them. The two wolves nodded and left to go get her from the cliff.

Rome looked over at me. "Is she okay? Your plan worked?" Rome asked.

"Yea, it worked. I'm a little shocked though. She should be okay after she gets some sleep that doesn't involve major blood loss." I answered. Rome nodded. We both looked up to see the two other wolves carrying Phoebe over to the moss bed. I hoped she would wake up soon, but I suspected it would be at least a week before she could carry out simple tasks.

(7 days later)

I woke up to someone scratching me. I growled, but it continued. I opened my eyes slightly and I was shocked to see Phoebe standing over me. "You're awake!" I yelled.

"Shush!" Phoebe snarled.

"What's wrong? What's going on?" I asked.

"I heard whispering from outside." She answered harshly.

"Let me go look. You're still healing." I answered. Phoebe didn't seem to like the idea but she didn't argue.

I got up and made my way over to the cave entrance. When I looked around the corner I shook my head. I had forgotten that Phoebe didn't know that Rome, Remus, and Romulus were here. I walked over to them, the thin ice crunching under my paws. "Phoebe is awake and walking and talking," I told them.

Remus whipped around to face me. "Really? She's awake? Can I go see her?" Remus asked.

"Follow behind me," I answered. Remus nodded and the two other wolves followed behind quietly.

I walked into the cave and called Phoebe's name out. "There are some wolves here to see you!" I called.

Phoebe growled. "Who? Why would you invite other wolves?! Don't you realize how dangerous that is?!" She yelled.

"Phoebe? It's me, Remus. Romulus and Rome are also here." Remus called out.

"Remus? Romulus? Is it really you?" Phoebe called out. We turned the corner and Remus went running.

"Phoebe! You're alive! I haven't seen you since I don't even know how many years!" Remus yelled.

"Remus! Oh! You're so big! And you fit your coat now!" Phoebe laughed. Remus ran over and curled up beside Phoebe. When Phoebe looked up, her eyes twinkled. "Romulus! Come over here!" Romulus ran over obediently and lied down. Phoebe looked up and smiled at me. Nut when she saw Rome she growled.

"Phoebe, that is Rome. She was a pup when we found her. Her mother died, and she didn't have anybody. So we adopted her into our pack." Remus explained calmly. Phoebe nodded and called Rome over.

Rome walked over and lied down. They looked so content. I felt unwanted. I decided I would get lunch.

I hadn't actually left to look for lunch. I left because I needed time to think. How come Remus and Romulus had left? Did Phoebe kick them out? Or did they decide to leave on their own? I was confused and a little worried that Phoebe would make me leave once I was fully grown. I didn't want that to happen. And if Phoebe was going to make me leave, why would she waste her magick on bringing me back to life and turning me into a wolf pup? She could have just left me there. I was already dead.

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