Chapter 4 I'm in deep shit!

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ST: I can't believe you just did that...
SS: At least we are alone now, free to love without him pestering us!
ST: Are you serious right now! Is that all you can think about? You just killed your best friend!
SS: Ugh squidward I can't think straight...

Patrick groaned. Spongebob looked over at Patrick's body, terrified.

SS: Shit! He's still alive! We have to go now!
ST: No we can't go, we need to help him!
SS: I can't stay here! I'm in deep shit! I'll get arrested!
ST: Well to should of thought of that before you attempted to kill him!

Patrick groaned again.

SS: I'm going! He is gonna tel the police what I did!
ST: No he won't and if he does, just say he was self harming, that's the truth.
SS: I can't squidward!

Spongebob ran out of the door and headed straight home.

ST: SPONGEBOB! Oh for fuck sake....

Squidward went over to Patrick.

ST: Patrick, are you alive?

He shook him, then felt his neck. No pulse.

ST: Shit he's dead.

He thought of giving him CPR.

ST: You know what, fuck it. That's probably for the best.

He picked up the knife, to move it from his foot.

ST: Oh shit what am I doing, I can't touch that!

He dropped the knife and ran out of the door.

~The next day~

ST: It's been a day, if you where gonna go to prison it would have happened already.
SS: Alright. I'll stay calm, for now...

*knock knock*

SS: Shit who's that?
ST: Calm down, it's probably just the postman.

Squidward opened the door. It was the police.

Policeman 1: Is this spongebobs house?

ST: Yes.

Squidward said, moving out of the way so they could see spongebob too.

Policeman 2: We need you both to come down to the station.

SS: Why?...
Policeman 1: Well you where his closest friend, we just need to ask you some questions.

Spongebob looked at Squidward with a scared look. He held his out for him, he took it and they got into the police car.

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