Chapter one- Broken Dreams

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    Jack rubbed his teary violet eyes, with the back of his pale hand. His mind wanderd to the events leading to now. The day he was driven so deep into his mind filled with hate. No longer full of the child like life he once had.

Flash back:

    Jack smiled up to his mother. She was a beautiful women with a creamy skin tone. Her features were soft, framed by her curly brown hair. Her eyes were a beautful sky blue color. She wore a velvety purple dress with a golden trim on the sleeves, the bottom proofed out like most dresses women wore. She had a crown telling everyone she was the queen. She had a single necklace on, it had a silver colored mushroom shaped charm, the minuscule spots covering the mushroom charm where a mix or reds and blues. She looked down returning a smile of her own. 

   Jack snuggled the small teddy bear closer to his chest as his mother lifted the book away from infront of herself and Jack.

   "Can we go see father soon" the child like enthusiasm in his violet orbs shown through. "Ok, but don't get into trouble"  Jack's mother said setting the boy onto the ground. He hopped happily off of the pedistole the chair was on, and onto the ground. He ran of to the armory his fathers was in, his teddy bear dragged along in his arms.

Flash back end

    A pale pink and grey bird flew over head, a thrill sound emitting out of it as it landed on a brown moss colored branch. The thin trees swayed in the lightly blowing wind, few leaves descended from the leafy rainbow colored coverage above. Green. Gold. Orange..... Red, oh red it was once a magnificent color through a child's eyes. Now it was only a color that lead to broken memories and dreams. Anger, grief, revenge, that's was what red meant now.

   Jack sat on one of the large mushrooms. His sandy blonde hair now matted with dirt  and dried blood. His once vibrant violet eyes turned to a murky grayish purple. This was what he received after years of tortuous slavery, ratty torn clothes, a betrayed friendship, and even more hatred to the gods who no longer protected him.

   With a cry of anger the tears flowed out of his eyes, his eyesight became blurry as the large tears rolled down his pale grayish skin. The hit the forest floor mear dots of wetness compared to the dirt surrounding him.

    A shrill whistle filled the mostly silent air. A bark soon followed, the surrounding nature turned to chaos as more barks filled the air. Birds let out a number of sounds, leaves rustled as animals scattered, twigs snapped as the ground was trampled down. 

    Jack shot up grabbing the brown satchel from the side of the large mushroom. He let out one more cry of anger at his stupidity of not staying quiet before he went off running full tilt through  the forests. He ducked low hanging branches and jumped logs. His steps echoing harmoniously  with his pursuers. Jacks breath caught in his throat, turning it raged as he struggled to inhale oxygen as he ran. He stumbled over the next log, just barely missing the small brook of rocks and tiny minnows. His vision faded in and out from lack of oxygen. His legs gave out beneath him letting him crumble to the ground. His head hit the soft moss bed as the barks grew closer. His vision turned black as a blurry figure approached.


"He's waking up" "leave him be Meg" "but he's hurt" "he's been running let him get his rest, he deserves it"


    The smell of boiled soup and turkey engulfed the sleeping boy in a kiss with its welcoming scent. Jacks dull eyes fluttered open, he gazed around vision blurry but making out what seemed to be a home. The blurry but familiar figures of two people met his gaze from across the room. Their figures slowly became clear, letting Jack see the people in the room with him.

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