Chapter 4- believer

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Believer by imagine dragons  


 A drop of rain rolled off a leaf and fell down landing on Marcus's nose. His yellow eyes opened up, glancing around before remembering where he was. Sighing he stood up, stretching out his stiff muscles. 

  "Look who's awake" Marcus turned carefully scanning the trees and brush the voice came from. "Look up you ass" Marcus growled glancing up into a nearby tree. A skinny silhouette blended smoothly into the trees shadows. It shifted as the silhouette jumped down landing in front of Marcus. 

  Jack stood looking up at Marcus with a great amount of amusement in his violet eyes. "Great, just the smart ass I wanted to see" Marcus said crossing his arms. He winced feeling a sharp pain in his left arm. Looking down he saw the large bite mark that still had blood oozing from it.

"What did you do" Jack's asshole side seemed to disappear to concern as soon as he saw the bleeding wound on Marcus's arm. Marcus looked up and shrugged still having some of the night being hazy. "I don't really remember." He stated blankly. "How the fuck do you not remember getting that." Jack said walking over and grabbing the injured arm. "Your an idiot. It has dirt in it. You know that this could get infected" "I could truly care less"


  Marcus sighed leaning back in the chair as Meg inserted the needle back into his skin. The prick hadn't even bothered the male compared to the rough treatment he had used to. Th needle emerged from the wounds other side. Meg pulled back tightening the blue thread. "Sit still, in gonna go get some gauze to wrap your arm in" she murmured sweetly disappearing down the stairs into her room, and quite possibly his own if she couldn't get gauze from her room. 

 Jack groaned from his spot on the couch. His violet eyes gazed lazily around the room. His sandy hair fell over his face in a mess, clearly from not brushing it. Marcus turned to the boy on the couch. "I blame you, for this wound" Marcus said clicking his tongue afterwards. "How could I have done it. You don't even know where the fuck it came from" Jack said moving to look at Marcus. Marcus let out a horse laugh. "Well your the reason I ended up spending the night in the woods." "Well if you weren't so goddanm stubborn we could actually get along" Jack said flipping around so he sat normally on the couch.

  Footsteps neared as Meg came back up the stairs. "Ive got the gauze..... Well theres quite a lot of sexual tension so I'm just gonna gooo" she said red hair swirling around her as she turned and descended back down the stairs "I'll be up in a bit" Meg called from the lower level.



   Marcus grumbled picking at the dirt underneath his nails. A knock pounded against the door. "Open up its Gemma" a voice shouted through the the wood. Meg shoot up from her spot on the floor. She ran over to the door excitingly slamming it opening. "Gemma!" Meg wrapped her arms around a small girl. Meg pulled away from her smiling happily at Marcus, who only nodded at the girl. 

 "Jack this is Gemma. She's an old friend" the energy of the room boosted up at Meg's enthusiasm.  "Ear hi I'm Jack" he said smiling at the newcomer.

  Jack looked at the girl noticing the bird mask she wore held on her face it was painted bright blues, reds, pinks, and greens. It was held onto he face by a thin looking string. She had a dark green cloak that flowed ghost like over her smaller frame. The cloak was clipped together by a ruby gem that glistened even out of the sunlight.

 The girl cocked her head to the side in a bird like way. Pale, freckled arms reached out of the flowing cloak, reaching up and pulling down the hood. The hood fell down landing on he back reveling pixie cut hair. Gemma's pale hand grabed the sting. Her other hand came around the front to catch the mask as she pulled the sting loose. She let it droop around her neck like a weird necklace.The brightly colored bird mask came off, showing bright green eyes and a petite nose. Freckles dotted her whole face and her neck. Red flamed on her face as she caught Jack's violet gaze. 

  Gemma turned towards Meg her blush reaching even further on her face. "Meg can we private?" She asked. "Yeah fallow me" Meg said turning on her heel and started defending the stairs once again. Gemma followed the caramel eyed girl down the steps gracefully.


  Marcus dug into his closet throwing everything inside onto the floor into disastrous mess.  He sighed pulling out the last thing from the closet. It was a small brown box with a silvery bow on its lid. "Ha forgot I had this thing"  he muttered to himself smoothing the bow out with his hand. A slight smile crossed his face as he set it down on the bed. 

   He walked around the cluttered floor seperating his stuff into three piles. Useful, useless, and who knows. He grabed a leather satchel off of the bed. Opening it up he peered inside of the dark bag. Walking over to the pile of useful clothes and items. He slowly piled the clothes into the bag, hearing them fall in and hit the bags bottom almost a minute later.  

  Looking up at what was left of the pile he grabbed another satchel and started to put the rest of the useful pile inside.

God guys I'm so sorry. I'm a lazy ass and had my iPad and phone taken away by my mother. I'm sorry for not getting those other two chapters made. But back to the Wednesday schedule. Once again I feel like a huge dick sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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