Chapter 3- Gasoline

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Gasoline by Hasley 

Warnings- Talk/attempt of suicide, mentions of rape, abuse.

   Jack signed lifting the steel pot off of the hot stove. He carefully placed the pot at the center of the oak table. Jack moved around the table pouring the soup from the pot into the two small wooden bowls he took out for both himself and for Meg. He sat down picking up the spoon and letting the warm liquid run down his throat. The doeor opened, making him jump, as Meg walked in holding three jugs filled with the water from a nearby brook. She smiled setting the jugs on a self near the stove for them to purify later. 

   "I take it Marcus hasn't woken up since you've made dinner." She asked as her caramel eyes drifting to the couch where the grey haired male rested. His hair covering his face and shielding any hint of what he was dreaming. Jack nodded handing Meg a spoon as she sat down across from him. The two sat in silence as they ate. 

   Inside Marcus's Dreamland: 

     His mind raced in beat with his heart as the air caught in his throat, and seemed to cut off his oxygen supply. Marcus looked around his yellow eyes wide with fear, as he hid away in tree leaves. He yelped feeling a sharp rise of pain getting slammed into his back. He landed on his shoulder the skin becoming embedded with sharp rocks and pebbles. Dust flew up stinging Marcus's eyes turning them red. 

   He cried out in pain as the leather whip dug deeply into his back. One after another, he was hit with the whip. He felt the mass of pain flare to life as he was hit over and over again. His cries faded out as he clawed the ground with his fingers. His limp body was lifted off the course ground. His stinging eyes flittered as he forced himself to stay awake. 

     A man walked into his blurry vision. He slashed open a gaping cut in Marcus's  chest with the blade of a dull knife. Blood flowed out of the cut, hitting the ground and painting it red. "Dirty mutt, your useless, ha can't even run away without getting caught" the man sneered, as Marcus's vision faded to black and the man smile.


   Marcus sat up on the stiff bed, his back stinging. His skull thrones with a hammering headache. The room whirled around him as he tried to stand up. He tried go walk only to end up leaning against the wall in frustration. He grumbled felling dizziness come over him once more. He felt himself get slammed into the wall but no longer felt the pain from the contact, or any of his other wounds.

   "How was you sleep little mutt?" Marcus wimperd lightly in pleasure as the man applied more pressure on to his bad shoulder. Almost feeling the smirk radiating off the man, Marcus felt sharp needle point teeth bite roughly into his skin. Another whimper of pleasure escaped out of Marcus's mouth. The teeth detached from his neck as a height bark like laughed breathed into his ear. 

   "You like that you little slut" Marcus whimpered as the sharp teeth sunk into his flesh again.

Now leaving dreamland.

  Jack and Meg turned their heads to look at Marcus who lay on the makeshift bed. Whimpers and moans escaped his lips as he pulled the pillow closer, hiding his head in the pillow. Jack watched his friend shift in his sleep, rolling towards the edge of the couch. Marcus let out another husky moan, which sounded completely unlike his normal dead voice and expression to go along with it. The noises he was making ceased, as his face fell back to the unemotional mask he wore. 

  Marcus opened up his yellow eyes slowly. He looked at Meg and Jack tiredly, streaching himself out with a yawn. His body arched over the seats side, curving so his hands touched the floor. He gazed over to the soup that was in the wooden bowls.

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