Chapter 2- Raised by Wolves

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   Jack rolled over feeling his body press against another person. His eyes fluttered open and he pressed against the warm bodies person. Jack cried out jumping from the bed in surprise. The sheets tugged away from the bed showing another body, a boy was in the bed he was just in. Wait bed? Jack rubbed his head as the memories from yesterday slowly gathered back into his mind. Questions gathered along with those memories. Marcus, fuck, what happened for those hellish wounds to come to be on his back. 

   Marcus let out an animalistic groan, as he started pulling the covers back over his body. Marcus opened his yellow eyes looking at Jack with little interest. He sat up streaching out letting bones crack sickeningly, he yawned mouth opening to show off pearly white canine teeth. The covers fell off his muscular body as he stood up eyes closing almost like he was going to fall asleep again. 

  "Hey boys, have sex last night?" Both males turned to Meg who stood on the bottom step on the staircase. Jack blushed lightly crossing his arms infront of his chest in an x shape while he shook his head wildly in a no. Open looking at Meg Jack noticed she was wearing a small cloak in, leaving her hood down. Her face was set smiling her welcoming smile, though it still held hints of being tired. Marcus strode past Jack with a grunt, walking past Meg and up the stairs. His footsteps disappeared upstairs, and was replaced by the sound of the kitchen being used up above.

  "Do you guys want breakfast or not? We have an hour before we leave for the market!" The call sounded upstairs as the scent of maple syrup wafted around him. Meg and Jack shared a look before bolting up the stairs.


  The market was small clearing filled with small shops in all shapes and sizes. The older stores where farther away while newer ones stood tall and proud near where Jack, Meg, and Marcus stood. The three wore cloaks made of a itchy feeling wool. Jack resisted the urge to scratch himself while they were here at the market.

   Meg ran off to a smaller shop assorted with feathery decorations and what seemed to be small glass bottles. Marcus walked off in his own direction letting Jack trail behind him in hopes of not getting lost. The two males walked off coming to a shop assorted with metal cages holding strange creatures of many shapes, colors, and sizes. Jack stalled for a second seeing a small black wolf pup chewing on the metal bars whimpering for release. 

     Marcus turned around looking at Jack who was now pressed against one of the cages like a fat kid in one of the candy shops. He sighed walking over to the crouched boy. "What the hell are you staring a...." Marcus drawled off seeing the pale blue eyes of the small wolf cub. A few memories from years ago flowed into his mind. Marcus muttered curses as he dug into the pocket of his cloak pulling out a small bag of coins. 

   "Oi, how much for the wolf pup out here." Marcus called startling Jack who had stood up, brushing his knees of dirt. A large man came around the corner a bloody apron covering his obese body. He had a yellowed smile, his green eyes glinting with greed. 

   "Five sparrows" the man said, his voice coming out rough and scratchy. Marcus tilted his head "two" "I can't make that deal young man" Marcus sighed taking a look at the pup he groaned "three sparrows and a jay that's my price." The man smirked coming over and yanking the cage up roughly. The pup let out a yip of surprise. "Sold, but he's a trouble maker." 

    Marcus dug into a small pouch pulling out the three golden coins and the silver tinted one, handing it over to the grubby mans fat hand. Marcus grabbed the cage looking at the man with a hint of disgust in his eyes. The man grunted pulling a small key from his pocket. "I see no reason for you to want this" he said handing Marcus the small brass key. Marcus took the key putting it into the same pouch that held the money. Marcus nodded pocketing the pouch and grabbing Jack by the wrist with his free hand, dragging the small boy down the lane, to an old book store.  

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