Neville/Luna (Harry Potter)

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Neville and Luna had an agreement. Every couple of weeks, Luna would come to Neville with a plant that has a good vibe, or keeps away Nargles or something like that and he would show her how to care for it for a week or two, then she would disappear off with it. Neville liked it because he got to care for some very interesting plants and could try out some of the methods in his Herbology books. He also enjoyed spending time with Luna. They were good friends but didn't have any lessons together seeing as she was in 5th year and he was in 6th.

They kept up this routine throughout most of the year. Luna would find him and they would meet up outside the Gryffindor common room. Neville would allow her entry and they would sit at a table in the corner, Luna examining the plant, Neville scouring his books or showing her how to look after it properly. At first, people complained about her presence, especially that she was given entrance to Gryffindor common room despite being Ravenclaw but they both ignored it and after a while, people just got used to her being there.

Around two thirds of the way through the year, Neville was walking with Dean and Seamus at lunchtime, joking about Professor Slughorn. Seamus was doing a goofy impression that wasn't far off, sending the other two into peals of laughter. Suddenly Luna was at his arm, pulling on his sleeve.

"Hey, Neville. Can I talk to you for a sec?" She said, in her voice that Neville could only describe as light and floaty. All three boys turn to her and Seamus and Dean, the idiots that they are, 'oooooooh'ed at the pair. Neville ignored them.

"Sure Luna. How about we move away from here though?" He said, pulling a face at Seamus and Dean and starting to walk down the corridor. He could hear his friends' laughter as they left. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Follow me." Luna whispered. She grabbed Neville by the arm and ran off, pulling him after her. He grinned as they ran. Nothing was ever boring with Luna Lovegood. She pulled him down a corridor that he didn't recognise and came to a stop infront of portrait. It was a picture of a middle-aged man, who was rather ugly, Neville had to admit. He had a mole with a hair growing out of it on his upper lip, thinning hair and wrinkles all over his face. His face seemed plastered into a frown, but when he saw Luna, it brightened up and grinned.

"Ah, Miss Lovegood. You're back, I see. I assume this is the boy you were telling me about?" He questioned, gesturing at Neville, who had no idea what to do.

"Yes it is. Would you mind awfully letting us through? I know you don't like me visiting at this hour but this is really the only time." Luna said, brushing a strand of silvery blond hair behind her ear. The painting sighed.

"Fine, just for you, Miss Lovegood. I expect this to be the only visitor though. You know I like to keep this room private." Luna smiled gratefully at the portrait as it swung off the wall, revealing a doorway. 'It's like the Fat Lady painting!' Neville thought. Luna turned to him and gestured for him to walk through the doorway.

He walked in and gasped at the sight before him. It was a glass room, filled with plants. The floor was wooden but the walls and ceiling were all glass, sunlight flooding into the room The room was quite small but there were plants all around. On trolleys, shelves and on the ground, all unique. They were mostly green but some were other colours, blue red, purple, brown. There were vines climbing up the walls, sprouting leaves. it was like an indoor garden, even better than the greenhouses. Neville recognised every single plant. The room was just bursting with life. He scanned the whole room, finally turning to see Luna standing in the doorway, watching him.

"It''s beautiful!" He said to the blue-eyed girl. She smiled sweetly at him.

"I thought you might like it." She looked around at the room. "This room is invisible from the outside. It's just poking out of the third floor, above the grass, outside near the lake." Neville looked over the edge of some of the plants and saw the height below. He felt his knees wobble a tiny bit but otherwise, he was okay. "This room is for you. I've been looking after them properly like you said."

Neville turned to Luna, confused, but when he looked round again, he realised. They were all the plants that he'd helped Luna look after, over the school year. All together in one room, blooming under the sun. Luna walked in properly and the sunlight bounced off her hair, beautifully. Neville hugged her tightly, a big smile on his face. He pulled away and looked her in the eyes.

"Thank you." He stroked her cheek with his thumb and leant in, kissing her on the mouth. She made a surprised sound but soon relaxed in his arms. She lifted a hand to his hair and pulled him closer with the other. They stood, basked in the light and surrounded by plants, completely content, unable to think, just feeling. Luna was the first to pull away. She grinned at Neville, who just smiled back. Both of them, arms around each other, faces centimetres apart. Neville hadn't noticed how beautiful her eyes were but it was unmissable now. He was getting lost in them. They both heard the painting call out to them.

"Hey, lovebirds. Snape is going to come down this corridor soon. I've just been told. You might want to go." Neville sighed and stood back a bit. He grabbed Luna's hand though, not quite ready to properly separate just yet. She pulled him through the doorway and the portrait swung shut.

"I guess I'll be seeing a lot more of you then, Mr.....?"

"Longbottom. Neville Longbottom." The 16 year old told the painting.

"Well, good day, Miss Lovegood, Mr Longbottom." He nodded to them and they grinned before embarking down the corridor.

Neville walked down the corridor and turned to see Luna skipping at his side, hand still gripping his tightly, a bright sunny smile on her face. He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. She blushed a deep red but the smile never left her face.

Both of them visited that room many times over the rest of their time at Hogwarts, when they were happy, when they were sad or when they were just lonely. The painting, whose name was Philippus, became a close friend to them both and he rooted for their relationship from the start, even through the ups and downs. When Neville left and Luna had another year after the Battle of Hogwarts, she spent a lot of time with Ginny and a lot of time, in the room by herself, tending to the plants that reminded her of him.  When she left, she put a spell on the plants so they lasted a lot longer and said her farewells to the room that started her and her love's relationship. After Neville became the Herbology Professor at Hogwarts, he went back to keep an eye on the plants and it was there that he wrote all the letters home to Luna, who was now Luna Longbottom.

Neville and Luna had an agreement. It was their secret place for no one else to know about. So no one ever did.

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