Jack/Davey and Jack/Sarah (Newsies)

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A/N Okay so the title is confusing but it will make sense. This is probably the longest oneshot so far. Warnings for depression and suicide. This is probably the saddest thing I've ever written I my life. Like seriously there are no happy bits. I was crying my eyes out writing it at 2AM so please enjoy the feels.

David watched as the vows were spoken between Jack and Sarah between his best friend and his best friend's lover. Between the one he loved with all his heart and his own sister. He could feel his heart shatter as every second went passed. He had thought he had been able to do this, but watching the two there at the alter, bright smiles lighting up both their faces as they looked at each other, like nothing was more important, he realised he wasn't as strong as he thought before. He was their best man and was at their side. Jack had asked him personally and David could never say no to him.

He had almost told him last night. At the bachelor party. He had almost told Jack of his feelings and how every second he saw him and Sarah together, it tore his heart just a little more. Tears started to form in his eyes and he had to blink furiously to get rid of them. The priest asked if anyone objected to the marriage. David very nearly stood up, but no, he could not do it. He couldn't ruin the best day of two of the three people he loved most, even if it would destroy him from here on in. The third person looked at David. Les. Little Les looked up to him, his face filled with such concern and David could tell right away that he knew. He knew everything about how David felt about Jack and Sarah and about how this was the worst day of David's life and how it was destroing him, every single second. The priest was about to begin but Les stood up.

"Wait!" He cried, desperately. Being right in the front row, he had loads of space. Everyone saw and heard him. David and his parents looked on, horrified. Jack and Sarah turned to him shocked. "Wait!" He said again, voice cracking slightly. Tears were starting to form in his eyes too. He'd seen the pain on his brother's face and he couldn't take it. The torture this was, he had seen it in his eyes when he had looked at him. Jack dropped Sarah's hands and walked over to Les and dropped down to his level. Everyone watched, not daring to speak.

"What's the matter, Les? Why can't me and Sarah get married?" He asked seriously, searching the tear-filled eyes. Les didn't say anything. He turned to David, desperate for him to say something. So that the pain would be eased for him. Jack would realise he didn't love Sarah but loved David, who never liked anyone before Jack. Sarah would be sad but she had loved many and could surely find someone else. David shook his head slightly at Les, looking horrified. The movement was small but Les understood. David was not going to do this. He would be submitted to torture to make Jack and Sarah happy. Jack was looking between Les and David, not sure what was going on. Les looked into Cowboy's eyes and knew he couldn't share David's story so came up with some other reason.

"I....I....I don't want to lose you." He said to Jack, feeling everyone's eyes on him. Jack's face softened.

"Oh Les. I ain't going anywhere. We'll still be friends, I promise. We'll hang out and buy chips and sell papes together. Me and Sarah gettin' married ain't gonna change that, okay? Come here." He pulled Les into a hug and Les cried onto his shoulder. Everyone in the room awwed. Les pulled away and gave Jack a watery grin. Jack stood up and ruffled Les's hair before taking his place back on the alter opposite Sarah, who smiled at him and wiped a happy tear from her eye. Mayer reached forward, pulled his youngest to his side and put an arm around his shoulder, watching his only daughter get married to the love of her life.

David let out a shaky breath. He hadn't been able to breathe when Les had stopped the ceremony, scared that Les would let slip. When Les had glanced at him, he had known exactly why his younger brother had interuppted. When David had shook his head, Les being who he was, had spewed some rubbish about missing Jack rather than sharing David's secret. Les already knew everything would be fine between the two of them, he'd assured David that himself a week or so ago. The ceremony continued and David watched as the seal was made. As the two became husband and wife, two souls intertwined, never to be parted. David cursed his vivid imagination.

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