Sherlock/Molly (Sherlock)

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Okay one-shot requested by ravenclawstarkid a while ago. If anyone wants to request anything, either comment or message me I don't mind. I personally don't ship this pair but I tried and it was interesting to write. Hope y'all enjoy it!! :)

"I love you"

The words were haunting Molly. All she could think about were those 3 god-awful words, hearing them over and over in her mind. It was slowly destroying her. She bustled about the kitchen, making yet another cup of tea, trying to keep her mind busy when she heard the doorbell ring. She wasn't ready to see anyone but she needed to face the day. She wiped her eyes and straightened her clothes, looking in the mirror. A couple of loose strands of hair hung around her face and she tucked them behind her ear. There. So long as no one looked too closely, she would be fine. Molly walked to the door, slid the bolt off and opened it. Upon seeing who it was, she slammed the door shut, leaning against it, breathing heavily.

"Molly. I need to talk to you." Sherlock's voice travelled through the thick wood that seperated them. She closed her eyes tight. She couldn't deal with him right now. He had hurt her, badly. Worse than anyone had before. How dare he force her to say those words? He knew. HE KNEW! Yet he still forced her. He didn't deserve her one bit.

"Molly, please. Let me in." He pleaded. Molly sighed. She might as well answer, have the fight and get it over with, otherwise they'll be stuck in this position for a long time. She opened the door and looked up at him. He looked as immaculate as always, yet if she looked closer, she could see dark circles around his eyes, almost as if he hadn't been sleeping. She stood back and let him into the house. He walked in, tall and straight all the way into her kitchen. Molly followed him, picked up her abondoned teapot and continued making her tea. She tried to ignore him, in the corner of the room, watching her. She put the kettle on and got out two mugs. She could still feel his eyes on her and suddenly couldn't take it. She smacked the mugs down on the counter, loudly. She bowed her head, and felt the hurt and anger from the past few days wash over her, strong and overwhelming in a way it wasn't before.

"Molly?" He asked, for once sounding unsure and timid. Molly turned to him, feeling the fire burning in her eyes.

"How? How could you make me do that?" She could tell Sherlock knew at once what she was talking about, she could read it on his face. He bowed his head in shame, almost like a young child and a tiny bit of Molly's heart reached towards him. That just made her even angrier.

"It's a long story, Molly and you will have to hear me out." Sherlock said, still looking at the floor.

"I have time." She said angrily. The kettle finished boiling and she sorted a cup of tea for each of them.She handed him his and he took a sip, before placing it on the counter behind him. Then he launched into his story. It was a terrible story, with death, psychopaths and awful mind games. She found herself enraptured in his voice and lost in the story, as if she was there with him. She truly felt for him, knowing it was true. Sherlock never lied, not to her. When it got to the bit with her in it and he explained, she nearly wanted to cry. She should've realised there was an important reason for it and no matter how much it had hurt to say it, she was all of a sudden very grateful she had. Here she had spent all this time, thinking that it was just a mind tric, an exeriment or something, yet he had done it to save her He knew she would hate him for it, but he did it to save her. Sherlock told that part with a sad look on his face, avoiding her eyes and looking at the floor. Except the story didn't stop there. He kept talking for hours, explaining every little bit, how every little strand connected. Molly had to admit this Eurus was very clever. Well of course she was, she was a Holmes.

When he finished, a heavy silence filled the air and she didn't know what to say. She just kept her mouth shut, her brain working 100mph trying to understand the confusing twisted story she had been told.

"I didn't want it to go like that." Sherlock's voice brought Molly back to reality.

"Sorry, what?" Molly asked, completely confused.

"That is not how I wanted it to go." He admitted quietly. Molly must have looked confuse because he explained. "I have known for a long time that you love me. However, I have never explained my feelings to you because I was.....afraid. I was going to tell you, except now I've been forced to under horrible circumstances and it's just made everything worse."

"What do you mean YOUR feelings for me?" Molly asked, scared to know the answer. She could feel her heart racing at just the prospect.

"You must have known, Molly. I....I was telling the truth too, which is why I didn't want to say it. I didn't want it to be that the first time I say the words to you to be because of the situation we are in. I wanted it to be done properly." He laughed a sad short laugh, tears welling in his eyes. "I...I love you, Molly Hooper."

Molly was shocked. Her heart was racing and head pounding. She couldn't think, couldn't breathe, but it was okay because Sherlock was here, saying the words she had always dreamed of him saying. She surged forward and wrapped her arms around his waist in a hug, trying not to cry. He immediately, put his arms around her shoulders and pulled her close, just holding her.

"You have no idea how long I have wanted you to say that to me." She whispered into his coat.

"I know. I'm sorry it took me so long to realise my own feelings and to admit it." She just hugged him tighter, before pulling away slightly to look up into his beautiful blue eyes, that were the window to a brilliant mind and a kind soul.

"Sherlock. I...." She took a deep breath and made sure she was looking him dead in the eye. "I love you, too."

The tall man in her arms smiled at her and leant down just a couple of inches. She stood up on tip toe, and pressed their lips together. It was like an explosion set off in her chest, warming her through with love. All the anger and hurt dissipated at the touch of their lips. The kiss was short and sweet and when they pulled apart, they both smiled at the other. Molly lifted a hand to his cheek and used her thumb to wipe away a stray tear. There may be a lot to work out between the two of them, it may take years for them to get used to it, but Molly knew one thing. She would fight for it as hard as she could because at the end of the day it was worth it if she could see this smile everyday.

She knew that she loved him.

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