ch 6.

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*Its next year. We found no new Bellas that could help boost the team, but we had only lost one due to graduation which was Aubrey. It's three weeks after we had auditions so we were all doing laps around the practice room.*

Stacie: Where's Beca at?

Chloe: She's cleaning up the connected dorms they are giving us to stay in.

Stacie: I'd rather clean than do this, Chloe.

Chloe: stop complaining.

*After we run, we sit down and start discussing what songs were going to put together for our first performance.*

Fat Amy: I was thinking that song that's like, MOVE BITCH GET OUT IF THE WAY BITCH. Yea?

Chloe: maybe something not that vulger.

*Lily had said something under her breath, like always non of us had heard her, but I nod slowly at her anyways. The door squeaks open, I've been meaning to get that oiled so it'd stop, I just haven't gotten around to it yet. Figuring it's Beca, I continue to write on the clipboard.*

Chloe: hey, Beca, we need a good mix for next week. Any chance you can make me very happy and add your touch?

*everyone went silent. Only did I look up when Amy did I little cough. Glancing up, I see everyone sitting awkwardly. I turn around expecting to Beca, but instead a taller brunette stood infront of me. Chocking on nothing but air, I stand up and walk over and hug her and she hugs me back tighter.*

Chloe: What are you doing here!?

??: I missed my favorite Red head.

Chloe: and I missed you, brunette.

??: you left out your favorite.

Amy: Bc you aren't Beca!

*i shot Amy a glare and she looked around pretending to whistle. This is Nadia. I had met her my last year of high school but lost touch as we separated for college. That's why I'm shocked to see her here right now. A questioning look was on her face and she turned it to me.*

Nadia: Beca?


*This unknown girl walks into the practice room and you can feel Chloe's vibe change right away, and the other Bellas had sensed it too. Chloe called us to take 10. Me and the girls gathered around and just talked, occasionally eyeing the girl who waltzed in here, taking Chloe from rehearsals. They sat up on the strange together and Nadia was being a little to handsy with Chloe.*

Stacie: Who's this Nadia chick?

Jessica: It's her friend from high school appearently

Amy: She is alittle touchy, isn't she now.

*The double doors, once again, squeak open, except this time it was Beca.*

Beca: Dudes, I was fucking going to Taco Bell and they're closing it down! It's the only one around here with a drive thru an-

*She stopped mid sentence when she got close enough to see an unfamiliar faces hand on Chloe's thigh and fixing the gingers hair. Her walk slows until she comes to a stop, an eyebrow raised she did a small cough to get Chloe attention. Right when Chloe saw Beca, she jumped off the stage leaving Nadia in an awkward pose bc no one was now next to her.*

Chloe: hey Beca! What's up? You finish cleaning?

Beca: Yea. Who are you?

Nadia: Me?

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