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Kendall's pov

The whole class immediately fell silent. I looked up from my phone and  there she was ,the funny thing was  that she looked just like Christina , then again she was her mother,and that's when I sensed it. her power, she has it too but she probably had no idea  , I could  tell she was  one of us just by being in the same room , but you could  never be too sure , maybe she didn't even know about us  .

either that or she's not letting her self accept it, Rochelle was right we needed to test her to know if she's the one we've been waiting for to bind our circle , I stopped her today but now I see it's only a matter of time and we need her,

"Hi ken" I looked at the person sitting beside me "Fallon, I think Rochelle's Right " she shook her head "look I know and yes we have to know but can't  we just take it easy on her, she hasn't exactly had it  good up until now, just let me talk to her I can talk her into telling me what she knows but she doesn't trust easily I don't want to ruin our friendship  " I sighed "fine"she patted   my hand  and   took  her seat while I sank in mine.

Skyler's pov

When Brandon and I finally got to history class the teacher was already about to start her class , I noticed that the whole class was quiet I looked around, fallen waved at me I smiled back but right next to her I caught the  eye of the guy sitting next to her, he had really dark brown hair that was styled neatly to look like it was naturally that way and then I noticed he  was staring at me intently and when our eyes locked he didn't bother to look away, like he was daring me I looked away from him but something about his eyes made me uncomfortable and at ease at the same time .

After a couple of seconds the teacher who I'd just learnt was Mrs Simon's gave me a text book and after writing my name I her list of students she smiled brightly "welcome to Whitefield" I didn't know what to say  so I nodded my thanks, she seemed satisfied and went back to scribbling stuff on the board .

I went over to sit next to fallen and I couldn't help shaking my head noticing her smiling from ear to ear I sank in my seat and took a look around me, I caught a glimpse of a freckled red head with glasses he sunk down in his chair and and pulled out his inhaler I didn't want to see what happened next so I looked away feeling bad for him.

In my attempt to take note of my surroundings I noticed the guy from before .I kept watching him from the corner of my eyes for about thirty minutes, It  felt like he knew I was staring at him but some how I didn't want to turn away .

To confirm my suspicion he slowly turned to face me, I had enough time to look away but I didn't, he had this masked expression on his face and I wanted to lift it and know what was beneath, he kept looking at me with his perfect blue eyes I felt drawn to them I knew it was embarrassing but I didn't want to look away then all of a sudden, the lights in the room began to flicker I still didn't look away

The whole class remained silent, as if no one noticed it felt like we were the only ones In the whole room.

His expression changed and he smirked and looked away the lights became normal and as if on Que the bell rang startling the he'll out of me .

I released a breath I didn't know I always holding every one was leaving but,  I found myself stuck to my seat even the guy with the blue eyes got up and left

I watched until he left but he stopped at the door and turned to me I wanted to look away so bad but I didn't, he smiled at my uncertainty and left.

I finally stood up only to be crushed by Fallon's surprisingly strong hands .

"Your scrawny but you look great, did you miss me" she said between our hug "of course you did I'm awesome I'm so glad your here  sky" she finally let me go, I was finally able to breath "good grief woman your strong "   i said still panting

she laughed "and your thinner , I've been hitting the gym for quite some time now you should try it you'll look great" I rolled my eyes but my mind wanders off to the guy from before

" hey who was that guy sitting next to you  " i knew  I'd regret it but i still asked ,she grinned ,I turned to pick up my bag, if I know Fallon she's sure to turn my words into something else.

"I was just__ um  I'll explain when I find the right words, the ones that you won't twist"
She laughed humorously and cleaned her invisible tears "you know me so well , common let's go I'll show you where your next class is

" I smiled at the fact that I knew she would always have my back then I paused and my smile faded she stopped too "what's wrong " , "I didn't tell you what my next class was", "i haven't even checked it myself "  

"I just- um I checked your schedule earlier"
I knew she was trying to cover it up," cut the crap"
"I'm sorry"  I thought she would be different and not keep things from me but I thought wrong "hey" she took my hand and gave it a squeeze" I promise I'll explain everything to you when I can but I need you to trust me for now " and I do but to be on the safe side  "I have to go get something from my locker see you later", before she could react I turned on my heels and left .

At the end of the day, which was not half as bad as I thought it would be, i successfully made a few friends or rather acquaintances things were going better than I'd hoped and it was good but every where I went it felt like someone was watching me,and it wasn't just watching it like they were trying to figure  out things even I didn't want to uncover.

I walked towards my locker with Brandon following behind me,we had our last class together and since then he just wouldn't leave me alone , I mean the guys great, he's funny, has the best come backs to some of my mean pickups  it's like we've known each other for ever but he just won't leave me alone and he keeps using the excuse of protecting me from haters once I get over myself it's actually kind of cute kinda of reminds me of my brother I smiled at the thought but snapped out of it I when I heard loud snapping in my ear.

"Hey" I whined "just trying to bring you back , so where are you going to be after school" I shrugged "home I guess, I'm not done unpacking"  "So I guess I'll be seeing you at stars later then" does this guy ever listen "Brandon I told you, I'm not up for going anywhere later" he sighed and placed his hands on my shoulder "in case you change your mind which I hope you will, I've put my number in your phone so you can call me if your having trouble finding the place although it's not from here and were in the  middle of baton" I rolled my eyes "thanks but I don't think I'll change my mind and when did you get my phone"  "when you weren't looking"he grinned and patted my head "I'll see you later then" I sighed and took out my purse from my locker when I turned around I made eye contact with the blue eyed guy I shook my head and there was no one there I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned

"You okay" fallen said with this look on her face that screamed sympathy "yeah" I  smiled and nodded  , she put her hand around me and we walked out of the school "so what do you wanna do" I looked at her sheepishly "I was just going home " she shook her head "no can do I'm taking you home to change and then we're going out to have dinner " I shook my head imitating her while we got into her car  "I kind of just-" she  didn't let me finish she pulled the car out of the parking lot "I can't hear you" I groaned and sunk in my seat.

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