Stories (15)

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Leaving school that day I headed home immediately . I got a message from my dad saying he'd sent someone to get my dog kira . as excited as I was to see her,  I had other things on my mind .

Like the fact that the more I went deeper into my family's secrets, the more , I was confusing myself .to top it off this new found message was  a clear indication that I shouldn't have come to Baton rouge .

But then what would happen if I never find out if I really am a witch like Fallon thinks .

Or if I am , what would that mean for me and my family , I realised I never really thought about it . did I really want to be a witch . it wouldn't do me any good adding to my table of problems . if I did end up being a witch how would my life change .

I knew for one I didn't like change good or bad the bad seemed to dominate all my life and the good just didn't last that long.

Parking my car I took my bag and went into the house . the minute I  opened the door my adorable little bichon frise jumped on me . I immediately caught her in my arms while she licked my face .

" kira , ew" I scolded her to which she barked , " I really missed you did you miss me " I asked , making her bark again .

I put her down and walked towards the kitchen , but before I could go in,  i noticed my dads office door was open , I could here distance voices from the end of the corridor but when I drew closer I couldn't here anything anymore . someone, had shut the door  before I could make out what they were talking about .

I knocked on the door and it opened to reveal a tall bulky man , dressed all in black . I looked up at him expectantly but he made no move .

" is my dad in here ? " I asked seeing as he wouldn't budge . he waited a little then then moved aside for me to go through I stayed at my spot but I could see my dad was busy so I left the room , which I'd just for the first time noticed the size , I was bigger than I'd expected .

I went upstairs to my room but after a quick shower I decided to head downstairs to get something to eat since selene didn't seem to be anywhere I settled for a bag of chips , instead of the left over, home made, casserole she'd  left in the fridge .

I went back upstairs with my bag of chips in tow only to find myself extremely bored about  thirty minutes later .

I decided to text Fallon but thought other wise , it would be better if I just went over to her house  instead .

I placed my bag of chips inside a bag, put a leash on kira and grabbed my keys.

when I reached my car I noticed  how I was dressed . I looked like I was ready for bed instead of going to pour my boredom out on someone  , for some reason, in my tank top and sweat pants ,  my fur boots weren't making it better . I decided to ignore it and started my car.

When I got to Fallon's I grabbed my bag and let kira out before  locking the car . raising my hand to knock , I realised i wasn't sure if she was home or not . took out my phone to text her when i heard someone walk up to me.

I turned around in time to see Kendall walk up the flight of stairs to where I was standing .

" Sky, fancy seeing you here " he said with an unreadable expression.

"Its Skyler , I'm here to see Fall " I retorted .

" funny sky, me to " I had a feeling he was trying to get to me, with the whole sounding out the sky part  . " actually we have to finish up  our project tonight   " he added then we stood there in a very awkward silence  for a few seconds I was waiting for him to knock or ring the bell but god knows why he was just standing there some how he made me nervous  " well who's this " he asked out of no where, I followed his gaze  to see what he was talking about .
" oh that's kira "  I answered .

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