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When we got to the party I felt uncomfortable and we hadn't even gone in for one was still sitting in inside my car and Fallon was getting inpatient

Why don't you just go in while I catch my breath she groaned
"Fine but I'll wait for you by the door okay "

"Okay thanks" she left but I could tell she was grumbling to herself I braced my self and stepped out .

Kendall's pov

I was getting anxious waiting for Fallon , I knew she was right but we weren't sure how much danger the circle would be in if we didn't bind the circle . Skyler on the other hand confused me all the more I could tell she was smart but I could also tell she was strong which confused me , if she was a witch I should've been able to know, right from when she stepped into this town .

And yesterday I could feel it that's how I knew that she was close
I checked my phone making sure I hadn't missed a text from Fallon . When I looked up again she was walking towards me

"Hey I brought her"

"Great now we wait "

"She here" Rochelle asked coming to stand beside me "almost "I said , Hadley and Brandon also came to join us

" so if she's the one she can't get in " Brandon asked "yeah " I answered "so she's not the one then " Brandon said pointing at her we all turned to see Skyler walking without so much as a little struggle we all stood there astonished , I for one was more confused the rest of them left except Fallon she was staring t me "what ?" I asked

"You think she's the one don't you "

"Yes Fallon as a matter of fact I do"

"Well I do to "

"Werent you against all of this "

"I was but something happened today that I couldn't miss , she has the Gilmore "

"What how, Eleanora's Gilmore"

" of course hers I don't know how she got it but now she has it and she doesn't know what it is"

"If it showed itself to her then don't you think"

"I guess so, look a few days ago when Rochelle almost burnt down sky's car it wasn't Brandon who set it on fire it was Skyler "

"What do you mean"

"I was there, Rochelle couldn't have set it on fire that easily"

"Brandon wasn't there and some how when Rochelle made the smoke the fire started I think it was some kind of reaction from Skyler"

" I knew there was something , some kind of power surge every time she's gets close but that doesn't mean she's a witch "

"It could mean something else, I gotta go, she'll be looking for me "

" I'll go find Brandon "

Skyler's pov

The minute I reached the door step I felt uneasy I guess it was just in my head or something , as I crossed the threshold it got worse there was this burning sensation from the sole of my feet straight to my head and when I'd crossed I the threshold I felt like I'd exerted myself, a wave of exhaustion hit me and I saw myself panting .

When I finally caught my breath, I set out to look for Fallon I started getting tired again plus the music was too loud and I didn't have anyone to talk too I went towards the kitchen to get a drink and almost bumped into a couple making out.

I reached the kitchen but I couldn't find any drinks I opened the fridge but no drinks someone cleared their throat so I turned around it was the blue eyed guy , he was leaning against the counter with a bottle of beer in his hands .

"What?" I asked not failing to show my irritation

"Nothing just checking" he said and took a swig from his bottle

"Checking what , why are you even here "

"It's a party , I got invited "

I rolled my eyes and turned to leave but he caught my arm everything stopped the time the music I looked into his eyes and regretted it immediately there were gold sparks around the blue which was wired and confusing and it felt like a charge but he was looking at me all wired so I snapped out of it and pulled out my arm .

"Okay chill , do you have some kind of none tolerance policy or something, any way, Fallon sent me to find you "

"Now your useful where is she "

He raised his brows and crossed his arms making his muscles flex .

"Please" I added sarcastically

"At the front door "

I turned and left but I heard him call out " your welcome" I didn't bother turning , I headed for the door.

Kendall's pov

After she left I took out my phone and dialed Fallon's

"What's up "

"You were right but somethings different about her and I can't tell what "

"Wow so it wasn't in my head"

"Nope she's strong , more than that powerful but I don't know. it's like she's cloaked or something ,anyway I sent her your way "

" thanks "

"I have to talk to my mom see what she thinks "

"You know we have to run more tests "

"Yup I'll see you "

I cut the call and looked at my hand I could still feel the buz, yup she was powerful I just have to figure out how she lived this long without having any powers.

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