2- One night

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I snuggle lightly while watching legally blonde. When she sits down at dinner with him and she thinks he is going to propose.

"HE WONT PROPOSE HE DOESNT LOVE YOU!!!" I throw my box of tissues in anger at the big flat screen but nothing changes the scene in front of me.

I'm knocked out of my killing spree mode when my door swings open to reveal big ass Nathan in my doorway.

"Are your really going to sit here and Mourn your ex lover forever?" He raises his eyebrows challenging me. I let out a huff of defiance but don't open my mouth to speak because I'm sure I will just break down again.

"Oh come my little Scarlett your better than this. Why don't you come to a party with me tonight? Would that make you liven up a bit?" I actually consider it for a second. Could be fun. The sides of my lips move up in amusement and I half shake half nod. What do I want? Ughhh!!! I don't even know.

"Please? There will be plenty of hot sophomores and seniors for you to drool over." I lick my lips hungrily and he laughs.

"Ok I will come."

"She speaks! God I thought you'd turned into a mute!" I laugh at him. I love him he's the best brother in the world.

"Ok I need to get ready now." He nods understandingly before making a quiet exit.

Now, what to wear.


My hips swayed unnaturally to the rapid beat of the music wrecking havoc with my sensitive ears. The strobe lighting played mind games with my eyes, nevertheless I carried on dancing. My alcohol enhanced body had been growing tired and sickly for a while now so I do the sensible thing and remove myself from the dance floor. I walk over to the couch and sigh heavily as my body comes in contact with it. Ugh this party is lame and I want to go home now! I pull my phone out of my pocket and struggler I type in his number, not knowing which is the the real phone and which is the hallucination.

"Hello?" His voice slurs and I groan.

"Where are you Nathan! I want to go home!"

"Ugh go home your self." He whines into the phone like a little kid. I roll my eyes.

" I'm going to tell dad! I didn't even want to come!" I scream over the music beginning to get frustrated.

"I don't care sis you need to have fun!" 'It was just fun you should try it some time.' Hmmmmm.... I could use some fun. No. Sex isn't he answer right now.

". You are a pathetic excuse for a brother and I hate you!!! I will have fun just not the type of fun that is pulling my pants down and fucking everything that moves!" I say angrily down the phone before chucking it at the coach. Ugh I just hate that boy!!! I stand up and walk over to the drinks I sure as hell need one right now. There was one with a dodgy sign saying fruit punch which has been left untouched. Until now. I pour myself a big glass before gulping it down, I don't know exactly why it's been untouched! Oh god that is heaven.


" WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA." I scream as I jump off of the garage of the house watching as people chanting and cheered for me. I started to laugh hysterically when I came down, trying to walk steadily back into the house when I fall. I close my eyes waiting for the impact of the floor but instead I can feel warm hands wrapped around my waist tightly.

"Oh hey princess that was quite a stunt you pulled back there." His body towers over mine and I examine his features as much as a drunk person can. Blue eyes, brown hair that's all I've got. I stare at him and my mouth lifts up in a smirk. For a second my drunk self melts into the abyss he's just like ... him.

I peer at him intensely studying his body and features. Once I'm satisfied that it isn't him I smirk intensely before planting my lips upon his. The taste of different beverages combing as we kiss fills my mouth. I want this. I just want to forget. Why not have some fun? It's what u

Anyone see where this is heading?

Not at all?

He pulls me closer and wraps his arms around my neck and eagerly pressing his sexually frustrated body against mine. The sense of excitement and exhilaration I feel right now is unreal. It could be the alcohol or it could be the effect that This mysterious boy has on me without even doing much. Either way it's driving my little intoxicated head crazy!!!

He brings me through the house causing the loud music to hit me again and I flinch slightly. He keeps his hold on me and we walk up the once cream coloured stairs that are now a mixture of black and multi coloured puke. Lovely.

He kicks open the first door revealing another couple that is... it isn't? Yes it was!!! My brother!!! Oh god that was disgusting! We make a quick get away and enter the next room which is conveniently empty and he throws me on the bed before jumping on top. He kisses my jawline and then starts to suck on my neck. I let out a loud moan but I doubt anyone can hear it with all the other sounds counteracting our own. I catch his scent briefly as he unbuckled his pants and removes his shirt. Mmmm peppermints! He pulls up my dress and I sigh, what the fuck are we doing? I'm so going to regret this in the morning. He starts to hungrily kiss down my exposed body and my drunk one lies there and embraces it.

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