3- Dirty secrets and hallucinations

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I look at the body beside mine, snuggling close to my naked chest. I roll my eyes before a smile makes its way onto my lips. I like this. I like doing this it makes me feel free, but if I do this I won't be able to love. But it's like an addiction. This might be the first time but it certainly isn't the last. I'm scared. Scratch that I'm terrified. I need to learn not to feel, to just let it all go, let the past be. I need to be me and let him be him. I can't hold on any longer, I'm not going to. I'm done. I'm gone. I've changed.

I pull my aching body out of the sweaty bed and deja vu hits me like a truck. This is so wrong. I shrug it off and shake my head at my irresponsible actions.

I gather my belongings from the floor and slip on my little black dress and the rest do my undergarments before tip toeing out the door. I take one last glance at the door before realising something. No one can ever know about what I've done, about what I'm doing. I drag my lifeless body into the room, my anxiety filling me with adrenaline as I approach the sleeping boy. I prod at his face but he doesn't budge. Little fucker. Then an idea spouts in my intelligent mind. A pen. I grab the pen off of the shelf and unscrew the lid. I start to write on his face, telling him not to come and find me and signing it with a S. Hell, we were both so drunk last night he won't even recognise me. That's perfect.

I sigh deeply knowing for sure that no one will ever know that the innocent little angel Scarlett is really a scandalous liar. Pfffttt as if anyone would believe him anyway.

I stumble down the hall, still a bit tipsy. In the corner of my vision I could swear I just saw... no you didn't. Your hallucinating. It's the booze, it's the booze, it's the booze. It has to be. I shake the thought off while storming out of the house as fat as a drunk can. Right now I'm in between the hanger over stage and still being drunk. It's like alcohol limbo. Aha.

I skip down the road barefooted not really knowing where my heels got to. God knows. The pavement feels cold beneath my feet and I wince at every step. I stare widely into the distance, squinting my eye to look for my house. Ah! There it is! About two blocks down.

I don't know what's happening. The room- I mean outside place is spinning and it won't stop. I'm gonna hurl! I bunch over on the side walk and spew my guts of the liquids that have been curdling inside of me. I'm never drinking again! Fuck this shit I'm out!

I wobble side to side as I try to regain my balance but fail all the while. In the battle between my brain and my body I bang my head on something hard. Ow that hurt! What even was that? I look around to find my arch nemesis. MR LAMPPOST! HOW DARE YOU! Not the first time your kind has betrayed me!

"Are you alright?" I look around me trying to pin point the voice. It's deep, very masculine. Is he talking to me. I make a gesture to me with my hand and he nods.

His whole body is blurry but I can make out his fawn brown hair and tall stature.


"Ugh yeah what do you want?" I slur.

"Well you don't look so good down there."

"So your calling me fat!" I gasp dramatically.

"No! Just- uh... grab my hand you can't stay here." I nod but don't move.

He sighs heavily before scooping my body into his arms in one swift movement making me cry out in shock.

I prod at his chest as he carries me down the road.

"WHAT!" He screams in my face but I'm completely unfazed in my drunk haze.

"Where are we going kidnapper?"

"What the fuck I'm not a kidnapper!"

"You so are! You sent your evil lampposts to knock me out and now your carrying me to your house where you will decide how to kill me!!" I scream out and thrash against him but he still doesn't let go of me.

I hear him mutter under his breathe. 'Last time I do this world a good deed' well he's a keeper.

"I want to go home!" I whine like a little kid into his hard chest.

"Do you even know where your house is princess?" Princess! I'm not a princess I'm Scarlett!

"Um... not in your house?" He lets out one of those laughs like the 'you stupid girl' laughs and I furrow my eyebrows. Why does he find everything I say so funny?

"I give up! I don't care where you take my lifeless body as long as the lampposts don't hurt me!!!"

"You've drunk way too much I didn't know that people hallucinate from drinking." What have I hallucinated? Everything I've seen today has been 100%, right? Is he not real?

I start to poke him then poke myself then get his finger to poke me. He is real! If he isn't I have some major imagination skills!

"That makes no sense! You are real I just checked!"

"Yeah by shoving my finger against your boob!" That knocks some soberness into my drunken body. I. Did. Not.

Goodnight HunterUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum