~{Prologue: Found}~

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I-it's so cold. I'm f-f-f-f-freezing. I don't know where I am...Or why... Why am I here? Am... Am I dead? I can't see anything, everything's black. I-I can't open my eyes.... I hurt a lot, but at the same time, I feel numb. My... my body feels heavy, but at the same time, I feel like... I'm floating.

"Hey! Hey, kid! Hey!" Someone's voice started to fade in and out. I guess I'm not dead... that's good. I suppose. I groaned a bit as I felt my body move. I turned my head and my eyes gradually became lighter; allowing me to open them. After I looked around to see a large white room I shakily got up and wobbled over to what looked like a mirror. Falling in front of it, my gaze shifted upwards and looked at, what I was guessing to be my reflection. I looked to be a girl, around or seven or eight it seemed.

I crawled closer to it and sat there, examining my long silver hair and touched the mirror, around where my eyes were; just looking at the white and black symbols.

I gasped and jumped a bit when the door opened. Quickly, I looked back at my reflection to see that my eyes were fading to green. 'What is this?' I wondered as I touched my left cheek, just below my eye, before turning to the door and watching as two men and a lady entered.

"You're awake. That's good." The old man in a large hat and a robe said while the younger guy stood there quietly.

"Oh, no. What're you doing out of bed?" the lady asked picking me up and putting me back under the white sheets.

It's... warm. I examined the lady in the white uniform as well as the man with silver hair and had a cloth and forehead protector hiding his face. Where am I was the main question roaming through my mind as the old man and younger one pulled up a chair beside me. I felt sharp pains in my side, back and right leg which caused me to wince and reflexively clench my teeth.

The old man touched my hands and I turned to look at him. "What is our name little girl?"

My name? What...is my name? When I tried to remember my head started to hurt. I gripped it in pain and the old man asked if I was okay. The pain went away enough so that it wasn't unbearable an I nodded.

I shrugged at his question and he asked me where I came from and why I was outside like that. I shrugged to all of his questions. I didn't know. I couldn't remember anything.

"In any case, my name's Haruzen Sarutobi. I'm the third Hokage and this is Kakashi. You two talk for a bit."

The Hokage and the lady left and I turned my gaze to him. My head tilted to the side a bit as I painfully reached for his headband. I took it off of him and looked at it for a little bit. I then turned back to him, who looked at me with surprised eyes, as I did him.

I moved my hand to touch right below his left eye. It was different from his right and had a scar. His eye had symbols, too; they weren't the same ones, but still very intriguing. As I touched his cheek images started flashing through my mind of him...as a... kid. It was like a movie on skip. I only saw certain parts but... His... his friend... his friend died...and gave him that eye as a gift.

The flashes suddenly stopped and without me realizing it, I had accidentally pulled down the blue cloth that covered most of his face. I stared at him for a moment and then cocked my head. Why does he cover his face? I wondered as he pulled it back up.

We kind of just sat there in silence for a while until the Hokage came back in. He looked at Kakashi and then at me. "Would you like to stay with me?" he suddenly asked and I shook my head. He thought for a moment "what about Kakashi?" he asked and I shook my head again. I really don't like being a burden on people.

They left a little while later and I went to sleep. They came back a week later. The nurse that'd been taking care of me, Miyoko; it eventually became apparent I was in a hospital; gave me some clothes and I put them on. It was a red t-shirt with 'Rock On' written across it and a pair of dark blue shorts. She also gave me a pair of opened toed Kusai Ashi sandals.

I got ready to leave and the Hokage showed up. "I see you're all better. Follow me please." He said and I did. We walked to what seemed to be an apartment building.

He took me up to the second floor and handed me a key. I looked at him in confusion as he bent down and explained something to me "this apartment is your home now. I know you're only a child so I will pay your rent for you until you can do so yourself. Here's something to get you started." He handed me a fox shaped money pouch and I gave a respectful bow to thank him before he left.

I unlocked the door and went inside. It was pretty spacious in there. It seemed to be a studio apartment. The bathroom was pretty big. There was a kitchen in front of a dining room table. The bedroom was... well there were a lot of bedrooms so I just went with the one closest to everything on the first floor. There was a balcony and a wound staircase to get to the upper level. I went to my chosen room and laid down on the cushiony bed and fluffed up pillows. I almost fell asleep until I felt the presence of someone else. I just rolled onto my back and covered my face with my arms. Feeling a bit to tired to get up and check it out. There's really nothing for anyone to steal here so, I don't care enough to go.

"Hey." Someone called and I moved my arms away from my eyes and glanced over to see a guy. I sat up and rubbed my head. I looked right at him as he spoke to me "who're you?" he asked. He had black hair and onyx eyes; and he was wearing a white t-shirt with loose knee lengthed shorts. I looked at the pouch in my hand and then outside my window. It was still light out so I stood up and walked past him. I got my key off of the table and put it in my pocket.

He followed me out and I locked the door. He sighed "Whatever." As I left. I went shopping and I got a cook book, plenty of ingredients so that I don't have to go shopping for at least another month, a large t-shirt and a regular t-shirt with some sweatpants, a nice looking black jacket, a black tank top and pair of leggings; and when I was done, I still had quite a bit of money left over. I think he gave me too much.

I went home with both arms full of bags and had to go back to get the rest. Six trips. It took six trips back and forth to get everything. I took a shower and changing my clothes before I had to unpack the mountain of groceries. I did everything that had to go in the fridge and freezer first and left everything else for another day. I went to bed and the next morning, a Saturday, I was woken up by a bell. When I went to check I saw Kakashi standing there with a bag. He handed it to me and I let him in. It had pencils and paper in it.

"You like to draw right?" he asked as he walked over to the dining room table and sat down. Not particularly. I figured he assumed that because I was the two times he came to check on me in the hospital. I just did it when something came to mind though. "How do you feel about being a kunoichi, a female ninja?" he asked and I shrugged "the Hokage thinks it'd be a good way to earn money for your living expenses." He told me and I nodded. "Look in the bag" I pulled everything out and saw that along with blank sheets there was a packet that was stapled together "you're kind of old to be sent back to start so we need you to fill out that test and return it to us so that we can see what we'll do with you." He explained and I gave a brief nod as to say that I understood and he said goodbye before leaving.

That packet was at least ten pages long, but I ended up knocking it out in an hour or so. I don't know how, the answers just seemed to flow out of me onto the papers. I returned it to Kakashi when he came to show me the school I'd maybe be attending.

It was a large building and it looked like a great place to study. Kakashi was reading through my work as he gave the tour and his eyes seemed to grow a bit wide when he finished. "You know your way home from here right?" he asked me and I nodded. I started my walk, taking the hint he was dropping. It didn't take that long to get there, maybe about fifteen minutes.

I went into the apartment and went to lie down. I fell asleep the minute my head touched the pillow. 

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