~{Chapter 3: A Year Later}~

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A year and time has passed since that incident. Time passed by so quickly. Even so, nothing really changed; I ended up going to class half way through and then going to sleep after lunch. Apparently at the end of every week we have this quiz where you have to perform what was covered. We were doing the transformation jutsu and I passed, I guess.

Lunchtime came and I stood up from my seat and yawned. I stretched a bit and went outside with Mylo walking by my side. I laid down and picked him up. 'So Mylo... You hungry yet?'  I asked him and he put his little paw on my cheek which caused me to smile a bit.

'What do you wanna eat?'  I asked letting him go. 'Ya want bread? I kinda want bread' He nodded and I went to a nearby convenience store and bought myself some curry bread and Mylo a red bean bun. When we got back to the school we sat on the grass and ate together.

I fed him and then we fell asleep. Though, I wasn't out for very long. I ended up waking up early and returned to class carrying the still unconscious wolf pup. Iruka sensei ended up giving me a lecture before I sat down. It's not my fault though, this all seems like... like really old stuff for some reason. I was wide awake so I ended up paying attention to everything.

Classes ended soon enough and we headed out. The day ended like normal and I quickly fell asleep. 

A bright light shone and I covered my face with my arm. I heard  deep raspy breathing from ahead and looked to see the gates from before and the giant furry thing staring down at me  with its red eyes." Child. Why have you come here?" It asked with a scarily loud voice but I couldn't respond . "ANSWER" it demanded and I simply shrugged,  making a loud growl echo off of the stone walls. "If you have no reason for being here, don't waste my energy. BE GONE!"

With that, a bright light engulfed my vision and I opened my eyes to see the sun's rays shining on my face. As I heard the chirping of the birds I stretched with a yawn and got some cereal before brushing my teeth and showering. After getting myself together I left and went roaming around the village since Mylo went out last night and still isn't back.

As I strolled down the sidewalk someone stopped in front of me. It was a lady and she told me that the Hokage wanted to see me so I went with her to his office and knocked on the door.

"Enter" He spoke and I went inside. "Oh, good morning." He greeted with a smile that I returned "Have you adjusted yet?" I gave the shaky hand sign that meant eh/kinda sorta "well, there's no rush. Have you remembered anything yet? Like your name?" He asked and I shook my head. "It'll come back. All in due time" He said, I think he was trying to cheer me up, but I dunno. 

I was there for about an hour or so before I went back to my roaming. I ate an apple as I sauntered and everyone in this village seems really nice, or nice enough at least. It was a long day, but oh well. 

I've been feeling really irritated lately. I mean, still can't figure anything out and whenever I try I get a splitting headache. 

Anyways, the next day, at school my routine continued where I slept most of the day away. I was kinda curious as to why no one ever attempts to come drag me to class. Hm.... I laid back in my favorite spot under the tree, closed my eyes and got lost in thought until I felt like something was hovering over me.

When I opened my eyes I saw

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