~{Chapter 4: Wandering Mind}~

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I shot up out of my sleep and frantically looked around. I scoped my room, panting and quickly got up. I went into my bathroom and looked in the mirror to see I had the eyes. The ones from my first day in the hospital... as they began fading back to green my arm started to burn and I raised my sleeve to see a glowing red mark in the shape of a crescent moon. However, as soon as I put my hand on it, it vanished and I scratched my head in confusion.

I stood in the bathroom for a good eleven minutes trying to figure out what was going on and if I was delusional or nuts or what but... I-I dunno, I must be seeing things or something... anyways, after gathering my nerves, I washed my face with some cold water to wake me up fully before I left for school.

By the time I got there, everyone was waiting outside of the building and Iruka sensei mentioned that we were going on a trip. I excitedly stood blended in with the others as Iruka sensei took a head count to make sure we were all there. We went to a part of the village i'd never been to before where we could see a mountain with four faces on it.

"Now as you all know these are all of the previous Hokage."

He began explaining all that they did for us and I got a bit entranced with one of them. The second Hokage, Tobirama. He seemed... familiar for some reason. I had accidentally tuned Iruka sensei out and got lost in thought for a good while. The more I though about it a buzzing rang through my head, getting harsher and louder. I gripped my head in pain until "Hey." Iruka called and it stopped suddenly, like it never happened "Are you paying attention?" He asked and my hand that had previously been holding my head slowly lowered to my side as everyone turned to look at me. I shrunk back with a nod, a lie, which Iruka sensei responded to with a sympathetic look before continuing what he'd been saying.

By this point, he was already at the last face on the mountain. The Hokage that sacrificed his life to seal away the wild, uncontrollable, beast; the nine tailed fox. I gigantic beast that destroyed and terrorized villages before Minato Namikaze, the fourth Hokage, stepped up.

"They all started off as genin and worked their way up to the top, so, with some effort, any of you could become just like these great men, here." When he was finished, he allowed us to go off and do what we wanted, but we'd be returning to the school in about an hour so we had to keep an eye on the time and meet back where we were by the rails. Everyone separated into their groups and I walked off, too. 'Mylo~. My~lo~...! MYLOOO~~!!!' I called repeatedly until I finally heard a rustling in the bushes. I turned to see a squirrel pop out and scurry along 'Where is he...?" I wondered as I walked by a few self grouped of my peers.

I went over to the wooded area and climbed the nearest tree. I met another squirrel. It ran away from me, though. 

As I sat up there looking down, my thoughts began to flow. I couldn't help but watch over the area below thinking about just how lucky all of this villages inhabitants were. The children running around, playing together, laughing together; the groups and pairs of adults conversing over groceries or other shop's items; the couples walking down the street, seemingly without a care in the world.

I... I know everyone has their own problems and all, but, at this moment, everyone seemed so blissful; so... happy. I'm envious, honestly. I want a 'friend', to be able to have fun with no worries. Of course I know, there's always Mylo, but he's always disappearing without a word and then showing back up. Honestly, most of the time, I don't even know what to do with myself. When it comes to school, everything comes so naturally, but I have no idea why. The past literally hurts and even still, I feel the need to question everything because... this.. this ignorance feels so much worse.

As I sat there, my eyes were wandering, scanning the area; still no sign of Mylo. My gaze stopped on a specific group that seemed to be forming rather quickly. Honestly, it was something all too common to my eyes and was actually quite entertaining. The center of attention was him again. As I watched more and more of my female peers creating a ruckus and causing scene I glanced over slightly to see the famous number one rookie meeting my gaze. We stared at one another for only a moment before something else caught my attention and my head made a sharp turn. There was a shout that came from my right, a brief moment later.

My eyes grew wide as I was knocked from my spot in the tree and proceeded to fall, the whole time thinking 'who did that?!' About ten times with each one getting more intense until

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