~{Chapter 1: Marked}~

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Where am I...? What is this...? I looked around to see a white forest. Snow? Why am I here? There was a snap in the distance and turned to the direction I sensed the immense amount of chakra. A tall man with long black and white hair walked out from the trees and I took a few steps backwards. Who is this guy?

He stood a foot away from me and I just stared at him. "I am here to show you the way... " He told me and held out his hand to me. For a moment, I hesitated, but I was filled with a feeling of calm, like I could trust him. I took it and we began walking in silence. The path before me was no longer covered in white, but engulfed in red. When we finally came to a stop, there were large doors in front of us and the man told me to go on because he couldn't go any farther. After a moment I grabbed the large metal handle and pulled it open.

I went inside of the torch lit room and looked around. Where am I? I wondered and then I heard something that caused me to quickly turn around. I went over to the large gate in front of me and a pair of bright red eyes came into view. The two torches on either side of the large gate ignited revealing a large furry face.

"Are you ready to leave for now?" I turned back around to see the man from before. I looked around for a minute and wondered who this was. "I am Mylo. I am hear to serve." He heard me? He bent down and touched my left shoulder with his right hand and my cheek with his left. I suddenly felt a burning sensation in my arm below his hand.

My eyes widened and I gasped as I jumped out of my slumber. I breathlessly looked around to see my normal room and then looked down at my arm to see a red crescent moon fading to black and then disappearing.

I went in the shower and stood under the hot water as I examined my side and legs where I had stitches. It hurt to touch them. When I got out I brushed my teeth and put on my newly bought leggings and black tank top under my, pretty loose, black jacket. I put on my shoes and grabbed the bag with the art supplies Kakashi got me before getting my key off of the table and leaving my apartment.

I went for a walk and then stopped when I got to a good spot. I think I was outside of a forest. I seem to be drawn to them for some reason. I sat with my back against a tree which shot a pain up it and caused me to wince. I got out a clipboard and attached the paper to it. Taking out a pencil, I'd started drawing the man and the weird furry face thing from my dream. As I was drawing the man I saw something creep out of the bushes and didn't move.

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