Chapter 3

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(3rd P.O.V)

As the two started walking out of the school grounds, Michael couldn't help but think to himself how he managed to get stuck with this odd girl, he was somewhat glad that he's not in class, but at the same time dreading that he went walking during the sunny morning

"Sooo Michael" (Y/N) chirped while adjusting her (F/C) scarf and trying her best to not let any awkward moments happen during the walk

"hmm?" he hummed out, looking down at the pavement as they were walking with hands in his trench coat pocket, trying to avoid eye contact

"Wanna go get some coffee?" She questioned, while casually stealing glances at him. The Tall Goth nodded "eh, why not. you were supposed to owe me a cup anyways" he smiled slightly then went back to his stoic blank face, (Y/N) smiled at his reaction and tried to get more emotion out of him

a few minutes have passed as they continue to walk to the coffee shop that was now two blocks away, The scarf wearing girl thought that now was a perfect opportunity to get to know him more "Hey Michael?"

He sighed out "what is it?" clearly not really wanting to talk, but tried to put effort into it anyways.

"What kind of music do you listen to? what's your favourite colour? do you prefer cats or dogs--" She babbled on unintentionally

Michael tensed up and slightly panicked at the (H/C) girl for bombarding questions out of the blue "Do you ever shut up?" he deadpanned with a dark tone in his voice, interrupting her from asking more questions.

(Y/N) flinched at the unexpected question "sorry.. I didn't want to make anything awkward" she grumbled out, he rolled his eyes at her comment "Well, maybe you shouldn't try too fucking hard, you got to give shit some time and not rush into things" the curly haired goth stated and sighed

(Y/N)'s face flushed from embarrassment and clumsily stuttered out "y-yeah, you've got a point there" after a few seconds from the returned silence, he glanced over to the girl's now uncomfortable quiet form then continued to look forward "...Alternative, maroon and dogs.." he muttered as they made it just outside of the coffee shop, (Y/N) suddenly lit brightly with a smile at his response. he noticed the sudden shift of mood and felt heat rushing to his face when he seen her smile, but didn't pay much attention to her 'as long as she's not crying or some shit' he thought to himself
"Why dogs? Cats are pretty cute" She annoyingly asked again, interrupting his thoughts

Michael paused for a moment as he opened the door to the shop and slowly turned to her "have you seen the amount of fur they shed? It get's fucking everywhere! ....Plus I'm allergic to them" He roared out then stomped in the coffee shop, the (H/C) girl laughed as she followed the cranky goth behind him.

"Welcome to Tweak bros Coffee house, How can i help you?" a man with 'Mr. Tweak' written on his work name tag behind the cashier counter said cheerfully, Michael quietly cringed once again while (Y/N) smiled at the man's politeness

(Y/N) ordered two large cup of coffee for them, she pulled out money from her wallet and the both of them waited for their coffee

A few moments have past as Mr. Tweak finished brewing their hot beverage

"Here ya go, ave a nice day you two! The sugar and cream is over there by the door" He explained cheerfully, (Y/N) smiled with a wave to the man as they each grabbed their own cup and made their way over to the coffee station.

"Settle Down!" ~ (Michael/Tall goth x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now