Forceful Choices

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"The coast is clear" Jimin signal for the two of them two come over. They rush over hand in hand with a small bag filled with clothes and necessities that would hopefully last them a few days until they can find another city.

It's early in the morning and nobody is up yet. The three horses wait out infront of the palace gate as the guards there had fallen asleep just like they always do.

The three slowly crept out of the gates and slowly make their way to the horses. Taehyung helps Seulgi up as Jimin watches for anyone.

Once Taehyung is secured onto the horse Jimin hops onto his and leads them away.

Trying their best to go as fast as they could, Jimin tried to remember the trail he analyzed yesterday. The sun isn't even out yet and the road/trail was barely visible.

"Follow me" his voices calls over the loud horses as they sped pass trees and trees.

The sun was coming by the minute and that worried Jimin to no ends. He needs to take them as far away as possible but at the same time he has to be back before everyone is up.


"Can you stand up?" Mr.Son helps Seungwan into the carriage since she's unable to ride the horse by herself. She nods after resting her head onto the wall.

It's quite early and her father wanted to be able to get there before noon.

Only him and a few men, including Jungkook and Namjoon along with Yoongi came with them leaving Na Eun and Taemin in charge of the school while they're gone.

"Jungkook" Seungwan opens the door curtains abit to see Jungkook right infront of her carriage door.

He turns around and checks on her condition.

"What should I say when I see him?"

Jungkook shrugs and continues to look ahead towards the road.

"Tell him you miss him of course" Namjoon says from the side riding along the carriage with his horse.

"And tell him about the things that have happened since he's left" Yoongi also comments from the other side of the carriage.

Of course she knew that, but she meant her reason for coming, her main reason...

Jungkook understood what she meant, "Is that what you really want Wan? Will it not break your heart?"

She let out a bitter smile as her eyes get teary.

'I don't want that Jeon Jungkook but what else can I do?' She only spoke in her head. Her heart broke when she knew that she wouldn't be able to answer Jungkook's question so instead she closes the curtains blocking out the sunlight.

From outside she could hear Jungkook sigh, but he continued to speak, "Whatever you do just remember that I'll always be by your side"


The carriage stops and Jungkook opens up the curtains again. "We're here"

Seungwan took a quick peep outside and they were definitely in the place. "Tell Joohyun to come in now" but Joohyun stood by the carriage all ready and prepared.

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