Broken Down

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"What happened?" Jimin stood up from his chair after hearing the news about Jungkook's and Yerim's passing...

Never once has he ever thought that Jungkook would go before he was unexpected news for the entire country, Jeon Jungkook was a very well known soldier who fought with bravery...

"Where's Yerim?" Taehyung questioned from behind, surprisingly calm. He had on a blank expression making things more intimidating.

Jimin led Taehyung to a room far from the back. It was lowly lit with candles surrounding her bed. None of the windows were opened but instead shut tightly leaving the candles on their own.

Taehyung took a huge breath and slowly walked towards her. Her pale lifeless body laid flat on the bed as they laid her beautiful brown hair out pass her back.

Tears flood Taehyung's eyes as they linger over the dead body that belonged to his baby sister.

"I'm so sorry Taehyung" Jimin placed a hand on the shoulder of the sulking man. He tried to keep his tears in for his friend but he couldn't help but to break down too.

The doors open and walked in the king, with a bittersweet smile, "It's time to put her at peace now Taehyung"

Men walk in quietly and bowed at Taehyung before surrounding Yerim's bed. One of them reach for Yerim-

"I'll do it" he cried it wiiing away his tears. The coffin was outside and ready for his sister so with a bite of the tongue, Taehyung carried his sister out the room.

The wooden box so daring and intimidating that he hesitated to take another step. With one look at his sister, tears ran up again and he swallowed the lump coming up his throats before proceeding.

Slowly he placed Yerim in the box, he fixed her bangs and smiled at her beauty.

"How can you leave me?" He whispered with a bitter smile. Tears fell but he wiped them away quickly.

And in the box next to his, Jungkook's body laid. Like two Barbie dolls, they laid with no emotion yet they've never looked more beautiful and peaceful than now.

Namjoon and Suga cried their eyes out placing their friend in that box. At that moment they had wish everything was like how it use to be, before Seungwan went to visit Na Eun...they had wish they could turn back time.

"It's time to say our goodbyes to these two beautiful souls" the king announces sadly and master Son nods beside him looking down sadly at Jungkook, trying his best to not show any emotion.

Jimin held Taehyung back as they covered both box with the lid sealing the two corpse in darkness.

"Heaven couldn't wait for them"
Seungwan ran out the hut and outside. Mark was nowhere and she needed to leave this place so that she could go and see Jungkook. Everything was her fault, their deaths were her fault.

"MARK!!!" She screamed into the gloomy air. Like the sky felt her sadness and it bloomed with her. Again she screamed his name yet he didn't pop out like she'd hope he would.

Mark had taken Jungkook somewhere, somewhere she didn't know and she couldn't help but feel betrayed. He saved her yet he killed her.


Mark called from the side of the house that only had trails of trees, "What are you doing out here?"

Immediately she ran to him, gripping both of his arm, eyes wide and red from all the crying she looked him straight in the eye.

"Where did you take Jungkook?"

The question made Mark gulp, he tried to push her off but she didn't budge, "WHERE IS HE MARK?!" She screamed when he didn't answer.

"Are you hungry? I went to the-"


"I took him back to the palace"

"That's Seungwan isn't it?"

"Why is she covered in blood and cuts?"

"It's Seungwan!"

She trudged through the streets holding the cut on her arm. She just had a huge fight with Mark and he ended up scratching her arm prettily badly. That's when she had the chance to run away.

It didn't matter to her what the people were saying, she had to see her best friend, she had to say her goodbyes.

"STOP!" The guards place their hands out towards her. She let out a sarcastic smile before looking up at them, their pupils quiver seeing the blood stain face of hers.

She let out a bitter laugh, "Get out of my way before you regret it"

The two guards look at each other unsure of what to do. When it took too long for her, she pushed their hands out of the way and tried to walk pass them but one guard pulls out his sword and pointed at her.

"Don't make me plunge this into you" he twisted the sword too abit to make her feel the point. But she let out a smirk before turning around kicking the sword from the guards hold.

The other guard pulls out his sword and swings at her uncoordinatedly. Seungwan dodges the swings and kicks the man in the stomach. Taking both man down, but with all the ruckus that they made, more guards appear, even Jimin and Taehyung.

"What's going on here?" She had her back to the guards. But she could feel everyone of their stares on her back.

She let out another sigh and turned around emotionlessly. Jimin's eyes widened when he saw Seungwan.

The woman who's tortured his heart over and over again. But also the woman he can never forget and replace in his heart.







A sword falls to the ground........

A/N: So hello my loves! It's been awhile since I've updated hasn't it?! I'm so sorry, I was trying to get pass this week because now I have spring break. One whole week off of school.  I'm so happy 😭😭😭. Anyways I hope you guys are doing fine and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Ill try to update again soon ❤️❤️❤️

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