What the actual f . . .

147 10 11

I've read all of the error x ink fanfics I could find

My life

Has no point--

I must move on to Errorberry fanfics, but error x ink will always be my OTP

Until I move to another fandom, but that won't be for a while-/


I've been living off of this the entire day expect for dinner and lunch

I've been living off of this the entire day expect for dinner and lunch

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I've been in my bed the entire day chilling


I found a song I really like--


If anyone has seen the Undertale version on yt, I love you so much XD


So cuuuuuuuuuuute,

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So cuuuuuuuuuuute,

error, stop it--


I'm working on the first chapter of my Error x ink fanfic ( ' ▽ ' )ノ

Thanks MadnessandTea for the motivation xD I needed it--


It really does such when someone asks 'updates'--

It's honestly really sad DX



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I laughed.





Holy shît--

I can't--

Omfg XD

Jfc, spelling errors always get to me xD



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Reposters . . .

Read this please



My life is mostlyyyy

shipping different versions of living skeletons with magic



Art by me

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Art by me. Do not steal. you are not allowed to repost (pfft, like you'd do it anyway) without my permission.


A month without uploading he comes back with a tag that no one even tagged him in he's not a challenge to drag so prepare for an attack and by that I mean cringe because these mother fuckers about to get dragged by his fringe first things first your freakishly tall it's weird you look like a noodle you had hair that was cool in 2007 and when we you look like a poodle throw in a really annoying posh voice and yup that's dan your what would happen if Winnie the Pooh fucked slender man.

If you got he ref, your a ducking god

And I know

I might have messed up a little

But shush

I'm to lazy to fix.


I have a week off :D

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