|10| "baby cheeks."

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"well I can actually give you a few reasons why you can't keep your mind off of, little old Raury here."

"Little?" She mused.

"Considering I am six foot, and a lean mean not programmed machine, I wouldn't say I'm quite small. Compared to you at least." 

"Do I hear a hint of sexism?" 

"No, what your hearing is the expert of love and human anatomy." 

"If your really an expert guess my height then-"

"There's no need to guess if I'm an expert baby girl." He smirked.

"Besides, by the way your probably leaning on the wall, one hand crossed under your chest, it's blocking your function to breathe normally. Which in turn gives me an oh so delightful sound of your deep and calming breaths, I would say your about... five six-"

"Although you hit all the currently true scary facts about me. Your wrong-"

"Never interrupt the genius. Five six in heels, five three without baby cheeks." 

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