|15| " leave a message at the beep."

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"hey this is Penelope, I'm not in right now and if you really want to leave me something important just leave a message at the beep." 





"i hope you don't pick up the phone when I'm telling you this..."



"you wanted to know if I was okay, and I can tell you that no I'm not."



"ever since you picked up my call, I knew you were going to stay along for the ride... the ride that is called my life. with some ups, downs and many twists.."

"..my name is not Raury, or Arnold, Or Andrew, hell I wish it was Vincent. and all this time I did hold a gun to my head, but it was never loaded with an actual bullet or even something close to being deadly enough to killing that damn bird." 


"like I am the arrow pointed at your heart.." 

"you are the real bullet that I've been staring at all this time." 


End call?

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