|11| "a girls age."

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"yeah well you also said your the expert on love." she scoffed. "I'd doubt that."

"do I hear a hint of sexism? or is this just one of those moments where you as a once heartbroken, and still fragile woman think that all men are pigs?" 


"Hang up means yes, answer me means no-"

"well I contemplated hanging up, does that count." 

"why didn't you?" 



"because you Raury. your voice didn't make me hang up. your melodic and deep voice kept me from walking away from this conversation when you struck a nerve in me."

"how old are you Penta-lope."

"have you ever heard it's rude to ask a girls age-"

"I wouldn't need too if you just told me. Plus your not old so it shouldn't matter-"

"Who says I'm not fifty years old, looking for a young boy to accept me?"

"Because your ten year older ex boyfriend doesn't fit those standards."


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