My Philosophy

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It is early Tuesday morning and Matt’s first class just happens to be Philosophy. As he walked to the building he hoped his professor didn’t bore him to death or else he would probably be asleep. He was tired from yesterday’s practice and Jessica decided to stay over, so he got very little sleep. Entering the building he yawned and proceeded to the lecture hall.

He found a seat somewhere near the middle of the large lecture hall. If he sat in the back he would surely be asleep, and sitting up front would just be too close and he would be forced to pay attention. The class was starting to fill up with students making way too much noise for that time of morning. He saw a few people he knew and some he didn’t, however they seemed to know him. It’s inevitable because of his status on the football team. He just politely waved and gave a halfhearted smile.

The professor finally came in and he noticed it was a female, something he wasn’t expecting. The fact that the professor was a woman still didn’t change his opinion on the class; he was going to be bored and hoped it would be over soon. He’d just complete his assignments and hope she is lenient with her grading. Writing really wasn’t his forte; he always seemed to have trouble with grammar. Maybe she won’t make them do too many papers, just read and take tests. If that’s the case it should be smooth sailing.

He watched her set her things on the table in the front of the lecture hall and pull out a piece of paper from a folder, which he soon found out was her roster. She introduced herself as Professor Wilson, who has been teaching for the past fifteen years at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, and this would be her first class she would teach at Boston College. ‘Funny, she doesn’t look that old.’ He thought to himself as she continued talking.

He also learned that she has a Doctorate in Philosophy and a Master’s in English indicating she is highly intelligent. She will be teaching two Philosophy classes and one English class that semester so her office hours will be few and far between; however, she will make time for students at her discretion.

She explained her expectations and what the class could expect from her. The students had to earn their grade; nothing would be given to them. It is their education and if they don’t take it seriously that’s on them, all she can do is relay the knowledge she has on the particular subject and hope it sinks in. There would be three papers and three exams over the semester, which did not make him happy at all.

Taking his notebook out of his bag, he began to write down the information she was giving them for their first paper. Some of the philosophers they were going to learn about were, Aristotle, Plato, Kant, Emerson, Kierkegaard, Socrates, Nietzsche, Socrates, Sartre and Voltaire. ‘This is going to be a lot of damn work. At least I’ve heard of most of these people.’

He continued to watch her as she began talking about Plato’s philosophy on Rhetoric and Poetry, taking notes here and there. She was dressed in a grey pant suit and wore reading glasses and her hair up in a bun, definitely giving her the whole professor vibe.

She really wasn’t too boring, her voice wasn’t monotone or annoying, and the way she explained things made sense to him as he thought about it. She was able to relate the topic to the students, making everything seem relevant in today’s world.

He looked around the room at his classmates, some are actually sleeping and others look like they are hanging on every single word. It was kind of comical to him. He has sat through so many classes through his three years at BC, and it is always the same some students wasting their parent’s money not caring about anything but partying. Yea he loved a good party but his education always came first no matter what.

The hour and a half went by faster than he thought it would. He walked out of the lecture hall and headed back to his apartment, hoping he could get at least a few hours of sleep before he had to be at practice. Their first game was this coming Saturday against Wake Forest so their coach was pushing them hard, wanting to start the season on a good note.

When he got to his apartment he was surprised to find Jessica there sitting on the sofa. He thought she had class right now. His hopes of sleeping were probably just that, hopes. With her there he never got any rest. She was so high maintenance and he always had to have his game on when it came to her.

It wasn’t all bad she was a beautiful girl and she treated him like he was the only man on earth, which was very nice. Her long blonde hair and blue eyes were a high point but her body was spectacular, she was tight in all the right places. The sex was good too; he could always get it when he wanted it with no complaints.

            “Hey babe I thought you had class this morning.” He said setting his bag down and walking over to her.

            “No, I got my days mixed up. I have class on Thursday not Tuesday.” She said jumping up and wrapping her arms around his neck.

He wasn’t surprised she did that sort of thing all the time, it was one of her few flaws. It wasn’t that she isn’t smart, well maybe it is, but she is also flighty which was cute in the beginning but now it’s starting to get on his nerves. Having an intellectual conversation was almost impossible. He always wondered how she was a Political Science major and actually passing her classes.

            “Um, ok. So what are you planning to do today? I have practice in a few hours and I really need to get some rest.”

            “I was hoping to spend the day with you, honey. I promise I will be quiet ok.”

‘Damn it! This is just my luck. I can’t catch a break. Shit!’ He thought as he looked around the apartment hoping for a way out of this, but being unsuccessful.

            “I guess that will be fine. Just try and keep it down alright.”

            “I promise. Oh I love you.” She said kissing his cheek before plopping back on the sofa.

            “Yea, thanks.” He said walking toward his bedroom.

She tells him she loves him practically every day, but he has yet to say it to her. He knows he likes her quite a bit but love, probably not. It’s just something he hasn’t really had to deal with and it wasn’t anything he wanted to deal with right now.

*Thanks for reading, I greatly appreciate it. There is a picture of Jessica to the side.*

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