Part 2: The Joker (October)

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Jin figures it has been about a month and a half into the academic year and every time the girl with the pink umbrella walks past his family's restaurant since that day, she looks increasingly tired and he wants to see if she's okay... thing is, he still doesn't actually know the girl.

He was entranced by her appearance, and he wishes that once, just once, she would decide to come into this conveniently placed restaurant and maybe they could just exchange some words. Honestly, she looks much thinner than she did when Jin first saw her about a month ago and he wouldn't mind looking after her, cooking her a delicious meal or two.

She never even looks into the window anymore. She always looks straight ahead, as if something is in front of her that demands her undivided attention. Why can't she just look at her surroundings for once? Even just another glance into the window would make a change.

There's so much he wants to know about her that he has gathered just from watching her walk past; what music does she have playing through those headphones? Does she go to college or university? What work burdens her so that she appears to have neglected herself? He knows that would sound pathetic out loud but he can't help himself.

This idea has been stirring in his mind for quite sometime now that maybe he could give destiny a bit of a kickstart and purposely create a situation in which she would have to talk to him, and it's one of those ideas that, when you say in your mind for long enough, the more and more convinced you become that you're going to do it, not unlike when you're in a public area and you want to stamp on the back of someone's foot because they are walking too slow.

"Jin, will you quit gawping out of that bleeding window and make up this order please?" Jin shakes his head after his train of thought is interrupted by his work colleague, Yoongi, and trails into the kitchen.

He's slightly confused by how much he thinks about this girl whom he's never met; nothing has ever bugged him or interested him enough to think about something for so long before. It's not like he lays in bed every night thinking about her, but every time he sees her on the other side of the window, his mind has the tendency to wander.


"Oh come on y/n!" y/f/n exclaims before taking a sip of coffee. "Just one night, please! I don't want to be that one person who shows up to this thing alone!" You have to shush your friend who continues to be you as a few people in the cafe turn to look at the two of you.

"I thought that Yoongi guy invited you to this Halloween do; aren't you going with him?" you ask.

"No, he just told me about it, really. He's gonna be busy at work that night."

"I'd say that sucks, but since I still don't have a job yet, I'm not really in a position to be able to empathise with him..."

"Y/n, take a break for once, will ya? You have enough on your plate with college and family as it is!"

"I know but I really need the money if I wanna get the best out of my studies..."

"But for now, you have college resources..."

"No, it's not just that; I really need my own place. I can never focus at home with my parents and the kids..."

"How you gonna survive without food? I know for a fact you can't cook, and guess why? - because you never allow that time for yourself y/n! You just live on instant ramen and coffee...."

"Look, fine, I'll go to this Halloween party if you just... shhh!"

"Love you too y/n!" y/f/n replies with a winning grin.


"Do I have to wear this?" Jin groans holding up the costume on the hanger, just managing to get his dad's attention

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