Part 4: The New Job (November)

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"Y/n!" Y/f/n calls out from across the room. You finish writing up an order at a family table and make your way over.

"How's your first day going?" she asks.

"Did you have to come in here whilst I'm working?" you groan, not fully sure you should be socialising on the job.

"I'm just making sure you don't get distracted y/n..."

"If anything is distracting me here, it's you y/f/n!" you lightly accuse "Now what would you like to order?" you ask, flipping the page of your notepad.

"Just the usual please" your friend replies, confusing you greatly.

"Girl, this is my first day, how am I to know what your usual is?" you ask

"Oh come on y/n, you know me well enough!..."

"Bibimbap with beef it is then... and you realise when I applied for the job, telepathy wasn't stated as a required skill!" you huff, leaving the table to give the chef the orders. You hang the notes on the reel and glance back to your friend's table and you find her already looking at you and she gives you a teasing smirk with an eyebrow raise.

"Ah, thanks y/n! Order for table 5 is ready." Jin smiles at you from the other side of the window.

You pass your friend's table again as you carry the food to the fifth table, and you can tell she's implying something between you and Jin... okay, you guess it's not like nothing was going on, but at the same time, there isn't really anything between the two of you...


Yoongi locks up the main entrance of the restaurant and swings the keys once round his finger before putting them safely in his jacket pocket. Turning around to his two work mates, he begins to walk down the street with Hoseok and Jin.

"I can't believe how much difference there was, having one extra member of staff!" Hoseok states, shoving his hands into his pockets. The late night air is cold, and the beginning of winter is most definitely nearby with heat visibly escaping them with each breath into the air.

"Yeah, I'm so glad we can finally have a day off soon!" Yoongi exclaims. "With y/n and the two other successful applicants, we'll be able to have a more relaxed service in no time!"

Hoseok gently whacks Jin on the shoulder "See Jin? Yoongi said he could get the workers and he kept to his word! Your parents should give him a promotion man! Dude knows his stuff..."

"I'm just a genius at life, you know..."

"Modest(!)" Jin smirks

"Jin. I hear you every day without fail go on about how handsome you are so..."

"Okay, okay, point taken! Anyway, you guys may get time off but I most likely won't. I mean what about Christmas? I bet I'll be working even then!"

"Man, can't they just shut it down for one day?" Hoseok questions

"Afraid not. We get extremely good business from people who simply have no time to make themselves a special meal, and since there are no other restaurants that stay open nearby, it's a very busy day..." Jin replies

"... See Jin, that's your problem. Just because your family own the restaurant, it doesn't mean you have to say yes to every shift. Their next in line to the throne needs to rest too..." Yoongi mocks

"Oh please Yoongi, what are you driveling about? Look, when my parents gave me this job, I made a promise to work hard like any other member of staff to rightfully earn my money."

"Yeah, you promised to work as much as the others do: not more!" Yoongi exclaims, and Hoseok follows up this comment.

"Give yourself a break Jin! How about we advertise the Christmas job positions across the old college, the uni, everywhere! There'll be so many people working that you won't even need to be around on standby!"

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