Part 6: The One (December)

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The very next day, Boxing Day, Jin is straight back to work, despite his parents offering him one more day off. He told them there was no point and asked what the point was in anything, to which his mother figured there was probably no longer going to be a gossip about this girl he likes...

Taking out his annoyance on the meat that he kneeds, he can't stop thinking about the series of events over the past few months, from y/n being nothing more than the pretty girl through the window, to yesterday when, if he was completely honest with himself, he felt stupid. If only he had paid more attention on the target of his admirations rather than working for God knows how many hours on end in the kitchen whilst she has the chance to talk to and date other guys.

He begins to wish that he could be like his friends when it comes to girls: Hoseok simply confesses without holding back at all, knowing sooner than later if any feelings are returned, and Yoongi, although not as a direct, is sure to keep the girl in his life in the meantime as he gets to know her. That was why yesterday, they had another person to snuggle on the couch with and engage in drunken kisses with whilst he was sat there actually watching the movie.

Did she even understand his hint in the shop the other week? Maybe it freaked her out and scared her off... He found himself lying to Yoongi when asked why there was a random pink ribbon in the bathroom bin, saying it fell off one of the presents on his way to the dorm and that in itself told Jin he needs to think things through better. If he had to lie about it, that meant it was an embarrassing thing to do and that meant y/n would probably be weirded out.

But y/n's name wasn't the only one grating at his mind: Jimin. Jin doesn't even know what the dude looks like but he bets Jimin is big competition in both the looks and personality department... What is he doing with himself? Jin has never felt anyone to impose as a threat to him yet here he is worrying about a guy whose face he has never seen!


Christmas day was average for you: it was nice to be surrounded by positive people, all enjoying their food, but at the same time, you were often thinking about how the food made by Jin's parents was probably nowhere near as special as the food made by Jin, and these thoughts were confirmed as you sat eating alone on your break, unable to appreciate the flavours being offered to your taste buds.

You couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed, even though on the surface there wasn't really any reason to feel that way, but at the back of your mind, you assumed Jin would also be working on Christmas Day and that would have made the situation more bearable for you... but you did what you needed to do to forget about it because, as you had told yourself at the beginning of the college year, you should do your best to not get too emotionally involved with other people and get the work done.

And tonight would be the perfect symbol of a new year, new start. You have worked hard for the latter quarter of this year and you only intend to keep it up; this New Year is going to determine the type of person you are going to be, and most likely the people who are going to be in your life for the next year ahead.


Waking up in the evening having slept after a morning breakfast shift, you drag yourself out of bed and do what you have to do to ensure you can stay awake til well past midnight and that you will be good to go out in a few hours: pour a cup of coffee and drink up whilst running the bath water, then get washed, dressed and make up on.

Finishing off the burgers you cooked for yourself, you try not to let that remind you the burnt ones you tried to cook up with Jin back when you applied for a job at the restaurant, and thankfully, you hear a knock at the front door.

"Just a minute!" you call, attempting to lift the pedal of the bin to chuck away the last few bites worth of burger. You kind of regret discarding the food but you don't want to make y/f/n wait too much longer than you already will have to in order to go clean your teeth and put on some lipstick.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2017 ⏰

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