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Hey guys it's me Maoup  (Pronounce as Mope not Mop) So today I want to ask you what should happen next. It's not like I don't have any ideas it's just that I want to write something that everyone wants to read, so in the comments ask me what Ross does next.

I almost forgot to say that I might be begin to write some more books, some based on the fanfiction I read

-Mystreet x Skymedia

-Venturiantale x Reader or Youtuber of your chose

-Fnaf x reader


I want you to choose one of these books I should write next, I will do that all but not right now. You guys can choose the setting. I will still be updating this every 5 days so don't worry.


Your Eyes Follow Me: A Mithross FanfictioonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz