Chapter 5~New Students and Old Rivals

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(Ross's pov)

I been scared ever since Max attacked me. But one thing always stuck out when I remember the nightmare.

Flashback ~

"Don't tell anyone my name. I don't want it to start again"

End of flashback~

All I know is that Max is scare of something. And I want to know what.

(Time skip brought to you by a Mad Max)

As me and Red were walking to school in kept having this feeling as if someone was watching. "You have the same feeling don't you" Red said seeing that I wasn't comfortable, " Yeah, it feels like someone is watching me." Once we got to school we went towards an alleyway in the back of the school(Don't ask why there is a alleyway in the back of a school just rollllllllll with it) to talk about the person following us. But as soon as we got there somone yelled behind us, "TOAST! I knew they weren't light ghost, of they were than why did they go in a dark alleyway" we both turned around to see two boys staring at us, one of them were wearing grey hoodie with a pi symbol on the shoulder, he also had dark black rippled jeans and dark brown hair, and amber brown eyes. The other boy had a black vest on top of a white shirt, he also had a pistol in his hand. "Sorry we startled you,  MY new is Johnny Ghost, paranormal investigators extraordinar, and this is my partner Johnny Toast." Johnny said as if he said it thousands of times. "Um sir, we also came to go to school" Toast said almost annoyed.
"Which school are you going too" I asked slightly hoping it was here and slightly hoping it wasn't. "Wherever this alley belongs to" Ghost said, 'Welp these weirdos go to our school' I thought to myself. As we all went inside I showed them to there classes than me and Red went to our classes.

But as soon as we got there is saw something horrible, I saw my ex girlfriend, Trinity. 'Hopefully she doesn't see me'. Spoke to soon, she's coming this way, "Hey Ross, hey Michael nice to see you two again, where is the rest of the crew." She asked pretending to care, 'Why should she care after what she done to me at my last school, I had to move because of her, she is such a BITCH' I still can't believe she came to this school. "Um...they are in class, we should be too, so we'll talk to you later?" Red said saving me from talking to that she devil, "Oh, Ok we'll they all later, bye guys" and after that she ran to some man who looked way older than her.

When we I went inside the classroom I saw 4 new students, (Here come horrible details your author is to lazy to make better) "🎵I want waffles, yes I do, or I'll murder you🎵" one of the new students was singing, she had a white shirt with a pink jacket and pink shoes (Real good at details aren't I) She was sitting in between a nerdy looking boy with large glasses and another boy who had a purple shirt. Behind them was another boy who looks similar to the girl. As me and Red took our seats the teacher started talking, "Ok, today we have new student. Come up an introduce yourselves." She was motioning the 4 kids to stand up. When they got there they started arguing about who will talk. Once that was settled the girl started talking, "hewo, my name is Sally Acachalla, the nerdy guy next to me is Spencer." she seemed too excited for school. Or she's crazy. "I'm the MIGHTY SPENCER" yelled Spencer spitting all over the place. "And the guy who looks wike mwe is my bwather Billy" She said pointing to a boy who was nervously looking around. "And wast and least fwavorite Sue" as she said that Sue fell on his face. "Well, that was a lovely introduction. So take your seats and let's get this over with"


Well sorry this was late I kinda lost Internet so i could only read certain books in my libary. But non the least I hope you enjoyed and please.
And enjoy.

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