Truth, Dare, Double Dare, Kiss, Love or Torture

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They entered Jay's apartment, which was very large and luxurious and decorated in blues, whites and blacks and a mini bar stood in one corner. Skye looked around in complete awe at the place, never having stepped foot in room so lavish. Her dorm room was small, two single beds, two desks and two small wardrobes the most furniture that could fit. Even the house she grew up hadn't been so comfortable.

"I guess you like the place?" Jay smiled and Skye nodded.

"It's beautiful," she said.

"Drink anything you want, except the stuff in the black cabinet, that stuff's vintage, and help yourselves to any food you can find," Jay said, clapping and rubbing his hands together excitedly.

Jas and Lila headed straight for the mini bar and started to go through the expensive bottles of alcohol while Skye started to admire the paintings on the wall. Each looked as if they cost thousands of dollars.

"You don't drink, do you?" Finn asked her, breaking into her thoughts.

"No, and I'm not going to change my mind," Skye said absentmindedly.

"Okay, just asking" Finn said and shoved his hands in his pockets. "So, do you like any other sports?" he asked her awkwardly. Skye ignored him and went over to Jay.

"So who are these guys?" she asked, pointing to the other two guys in the apartment. Jay quickly downed the rest of his beer before he replied to her.

"That's Ravi and that's Jamal," Jay said, pointing to each one in turn.

"How did you get hit by a car?" Ravi asked her "and not be severely injured?"

"Luck, I suppose," Skye said, wishing they could change the subject. "How did you guys get down there so fast?"

"Finn was watching you from the window" Jay said, lifting his beer in the general direction of Finn. He was by the bar, stuck with Jas and Lila who were doing everything they could to keep him away from her. Skye stifled her smile. They really were two of the best friends a girl could have.

"He is really creepy," Skye said instead.

The three boys roared out in laughter and Ravi even split his beer over his shirt. He cursed, but continued to laugh with the others.

"What's so funny?" Skye asked.

"You're the only girl Finn has ever encountered that hates him for playing ice hockey," Jay smiled, his green eyes twinkling in amusement.

"Yeah well, he's not my type," Skye said truthfully, "and he's way too arrogant for his own good."

"Who's too arrogant?" Finn asked, joining them and dragging over Lila and Jas. He had been unable to escape them at the bar, it seemed.

"You are," Skye said to him.

In truth, Finn Hammond reminded her a little too much of the people back home. The way ice hockey was the most important thing in the world, how everything depended on the outcome of a game.

"You're really mean" Finn frowned and Skye stuck her middle finger up at him to drive the point home. Maybe if he realized she was a massive bitch he would leave her alone.

"Okay, okay, let's make this interesting," Jay said, rubbing his hands together again.

"How? What are we going to do?" Jas asked.

"It's time for our game of truth or dare."


Finn watched as, again, Skye's face darkened like a storm cloud and her scowl came back across her pretty face. Lightning and thunder.

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