Moving In

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The day dawned bright and early, golden light spilling over the college. The sky was a beautiful baby blue, clear and gorgeous, even if the outside was a bit crisp. The college of Minnesota was awake, ready for another week. Students milled around, on their way to classes or the library or for a catch up with friends. Everyone lapped up the sunshine.

Everyone except Skye. She had no classes on a Monday and was still in bed, watching the clock tick over. She should be packing but she didn't want to. She didn't want to live with the arrogant Finn Hammond for a month. Even if it meant he'd leave her alone forever.

"You can do this," Lila said as she walked in with a suitcase. Skye buried herself further beneath the blankets.

"One month," Jas said. "And then you'll never see him or hear the words 'ice hockey' ever again."

With a sigh of defeat, Skye left the safety of her burrow and started to pack. She could already guess what was going to happen; Finn was going to be a complete and utter douche to her to get her to leave, and then he would win the bet. But he didn't realize how resilient she was. She had grown up in a hard household and had endured that for eighteen years. One month would be a piece of cake.

By the time two had rolled around, Skye was feeling much more confident about the following month. She had one suitcase packed with clothes, and a duffel bag full of her school and reading books. Lila and Jas came barrelling in just as Skye picked up a book to read and wait.

"He's here!" Lila said, peering out the window.

Skye sighed. And so it begins, she thought to herself. Lila and Jas took her suitcase for her, leaving Skye to awkwardly carry down her books. That bag was heavier than her suitcase and she struggled with it.

Most of the school was out by the time she left the building, staring at Finn as he leaned against his car. Jas and Lila were already over there, putting her bag in the boot. Finn didn't help them, Skye noticed and frowned. He really was a rude person.

He spotted her walked over and pushed off the car and made his way toward her. Skye scowled at him the minute he could see her face.

"Afternoon," he said, grinning and tried to take her bag from her.

Skye growled at him. "Get off; I can carry my own stuff. Why didn't you help Jas and Lila if you wanted to help?" Skye snapped.

"Oh come on, it was two of them and one bag!" Finn exclaimed.

"Well, this is one of me and one bag, so I can manage just fine," Skye lied. The bag really was heavy, and it was starting to make her shoulder ache, but she endured and made her way over to the car and tossed it in the back seat.

"I have a boot for a reason," Finn said, going over to sit in the driver's seat.

Skye ignored him, turning to her friends.

"You don't mind if I sleep in your bed while you're gone, do you?" Lila asked.

"Of course not. But please keep it clean," Skye said.

"You'll be fine," Jas said, giving her a hug.

Skye clung to her for longer than necessary. She was going back into a house with a competitive ice hockey fan. God help her.

"Bye," Skye said unhappily, and looked longingly at her dorm room. She wanted to stay in her bed, in her dorm with all her stuff. She got in the car and the minute the door was closed, Finn took off.

"You hungry?" Finn asked.

Skye ignored him and stared out the window and the rushing landscape. All the colours seemed to blur together, the green and the blue and the grey of the buildings. She knew Finn was going too fast, but she didn't care. She liked fast. She loved when a plane took off from the runway and it went ridiculously fast. She loved rollercoaster's and the wind in her face. She loved to speed when she drove...

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