Don't Lose And Forget(Kakashi Love Story Book 3 Pre Shippuden)

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Name:Misaki Utaru

Clan:Utara Clan 

Ninja Rank: Sage 

Occupation: Head Of Anbu

Titles:The Iced White Flower Of Konoha/The Queen Of Jutsus/ The Great Eye Wielder

Village:Leaf Village 

Demon: 20 tailed lion demon named Daisuke 


When she was younger, she rarely spoke unless required, always either frowning or showing no sign of emotions at all because she never seemed to find anything nice to talk about and struggled to make friends, because she would rather be alone than face the difficulties of socialising with other people. To this day, especially during missions, she doesn't communicate much with clients compared to other ninjas her age because of this handicap. Furthermore, because of this cold and hard aura she emits, people also tend to avoid too much of a conversation out of fear when reality, she just doesn't exactly know how to strike good conversations with strangers unless if they come up to her first. She also said that she was rather lazy back then, finding everything troublesome and using that word frequently, noting much simlarity with her student Shikamaru. If it wasn't her moral to never dissappoint the people who believe in her, she probably would have spent the rest of her life sleeping away, but she doesn't use that word very often now. She is also very mature from a young age, knowing and understanding more things than her age would.

The placing of her in Minato's team had a huge impact on her personality as she sooner smiled, and talked more often. Since she was required to go on missions sooner, she had mixed very well with her friends in the same year. Frankly, this was all possible because they had approached her first to make friends. Without them, Misaki doubt that she would become the person that she is today. Although still adopting a quiet and cold personality, to those who are close to her, or who she rarely decides to warm up to, she did have a cheerful and light manner as well, but to those who deserve to see it.

Through her childhood, she had expereinced numerous despairs such as having the ones who mean the most to her perish away, so she is on the best terms with her childhood friends, her students and her subordinates and other leaders to a lesser extent. Her never-ending loyalty to her village and the people in it had been the ultimate drive for her to perfect her skills as a versatile ninja.

Misaki had a matter of fact attitude, and was just as apathetic as she was when she was younger, often sounding more factual and blunt during talks, which blended well with her teammate Kakashi. Despite her ever-increasing reputation and prowess as a shinobi and medic-nin, she always kept a low profile about her abilities, rarely even telling much about them even if somebody asked. She'd never accept being the Hokage, despite being always pestered by higher-ups to be one, she'd complain it being a stressful and troublesome thing to do and often refer her friend Kakashi to be the Hokage instead. 

Misaki also has an unsurpassable resistance for both physical and mental pain. Being the sole survivor of the Utaru Clan, and being able to resist something that had killed her strong clan members had already proved something. She'd also be able to resist many types of the strongest genjutsus, and sucedded at breaking out of them without fail and damage physcologically. Like she stated, she hated being weak out of all things, because she had to be strong for other people.

She takes pride on her appearance and her well-being, often eating healthily and training often, and also controlling her portions strictly. Although she wears little to no makeup, she does spend money on skincare things and uses time to pamper her skin well. Despite that, she isn't as serious about it as her student Ino. She would diet if she needed to but wouldn't deem it as a necessity and would eat whatever she wanted if she felt like it.

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