#51 Son

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Youth had I
Vibrant as thine.
Long gone is mine
So shall thine.

Make the most of strength gifted.
O if thou can befall kingdoms that great,
Why can you not befall temptations? If sword sliced life that swift, why can it not slice evil?

Live as if thine latest breath is last.
Drink for strength but not pleasure.

My dear son,
Do not become me: Lost in lust,subdued by folly.

Live to be a man. Not mere male.

If ever a thought folly as this, that thou feel small
When thou apply humility, honesty or respect or obedience or faithfulness,
Beware, for it could be the devil's whisper.

And if thine heart ever wills
To long for another,may it be once.
May once be all. May once be enough. Pray thou be her hero. Pray tell me thou shall respect thy woman and protect her as though ye protected  thy kingdom. Lead her for it is every good wife's wish.

Spare no mercy upon evil that tries to lurk in you.
My son,
Do not become me.

(message from a father who wasted his youth to his only son.)

To You(my Dear World)[#TheWattys2017]#TEAwardsWhere stories live. Discover now