70. If I die Today

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If I die today
Will you tell my mom 'thank you' for me?
For bearing me in her womb.

Tell my granny 'thank you'
For love so deep it transcends my comprehension.

Tell my love that his love is the only thing I am taking with me to heaven.

Tell them that I don't want wealth to be buried with me.
I just need a good farewell.
A warm one.
Tell them not to cry too much
They'll look ugly
I want them all to dress their best and smile me farewell.
Oh Yah! Tell them to water my plants. Lest they too wither like me.

Tell them not to regret for taking me for granted.
I've forgiven them.
Tell them to forgive me too!
I need to go to heaven right?

Tell them to keep my shabby sketches and silly writings.
It will make me happy.
I don't want them to check them out too often though
Lest they miss me too often.

Tell them they can have my clothes they always admired yet never had 'cause I was stingy.
Tell them I won't haunt them for it.☺
Tell them I'll be a good soul
And I will not roam around
I'll go straight to heaven.
I'll share of times I spent with them to Jesus.
And with Jesus as my architect
I'll be building a mini Eiffel
Tower for my love to come and see.

Tell them time was short but lovely.

Tell them I love them all.

To You(my Dear World)[#TheWattys2017]#TEAwardsWhere stories live. Discover now