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Today , I don't have therapy . I'm actually doing extra English . I love English , probably explains why I write to you . So let's skip the day . As always Archie comes and says morning and then leaves in a hurry . Hmmm . Oh yeah , after classes . Mrs Galbraith . I walk up the stairs to the highest classroom and see a pack of populars , like wolves I tell you all laughing . I squeeze myself in the corner till the finally fly. I sit down I class and see Liam , on of the popular kids . "Right , I'm going to pop out for an hour , stay here " miss said . " alright  then leave your students then " Liam replays . " Liam " she screamed while walking out the door counting to 3 . I get my pen out and start writing , writing about the bullshit in my life . " ohy "  Liam states to me . I point to myself . He vigorously lifted the chair and plonked himself down , came to my ear and whispered ." Do you want to get out of here ?"  Before I could nod my head , he grasped my hand and ran out the classroom .  He threw all the English papers off the top floor of the school . Then it suddenly slowed down while all the papers were still falling , we were running , but it felt like flying . When we finally got out of the 'hell hole' Liam called it .  I looked at Liam , he smiled back at me and  asked " will you come with me on Friday? " before I opened my mouth " only a couple of us" I immediately was going to say no but I said " why not " he smiled a big grin , like a Chester cat . "What do I need?" I said I've never been out before . " all you need is booze , food and clothes "
He laughed .
"See you Friday "
"See you "
Well I walked home with a spring in my step , and a churning in my stomach waiting for Friday .

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