February 20,2017

8 1 0

This is gonna be my diary.
Ima make this because i need to let my feelings out and I don't think anyone will actually read it. My name is Denay. Im 13. I've had a rough pass "child"hood my mom and actual dad abandoned me and my 2 brothers when we were little. I've been to 4 schools 2 elementary and 2 middle schools. Elementary was okay. Middle school is probably the worst 3 years of my life so far. I deal with severe depression and anxiety and extremely insecure about my body and the way I look. I'm very socially awkward so I don't have many friends (im fine with it thought I have music). I'm completely obsessed with bands like Panic!At the Disco and Fall out boy and lots more. "Music is my religion". I have a big secret that nobody knows...
Hi. I hope you enjoyed my trashy diary!XD
Please like and comment if you have questions.
The big secret will be revealed in the next chapter.

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