March 11,2017

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Well.. I'm trans. Not many people know that's the problem. And I don't know how to tell my friends. I mean I rather be loved for who I am then loved for who I'm not. I've been OBSESSED with coming out videos and I have came out to my nana but she thinks it's a "phase". Then she told my papa. Like it's not your right to tell him. I need to. Then she thought she could take my phone away like that was the problem. Like how is my phone the problem? Please tell me. But she didn't have an answer. Then I had a big storm come in..
Im so sorry this was short! And Im sorry that I didn't update sooner.
Please like and comment if you have questions. And yes all of this is real.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2017 ⏰

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