Prologue: Lost

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Justin's POV

You know that saying money can't buy you happiness? Well, I never thought that was true until now. Of course I have all the money in the world, I have a beautiful girlfriend, and most of all the best fans in the world, but I'm just not happy. I can put a smile on my face all day, go to every interview and every meet and greet, and put on a great act for everyone else, but when it really comes down to it and I'm at home alone in this big house with no one to put on a show for, there's something missing; and I don't know what it is.

"Justin," Scooter said peeking his head through my bedroom door. "We leave for dance rehearsals in 30 minutes.. Hurry up and get ready."

"Okay." I said, and he left closing the door behind him. I ripped the blankets I was laying under off of my body, and swung my legs over to the edge of the bed. I yawned and stretched my arms before looking at the clock that read 12:15. "I guess it's about time for me to finally get out of bed." I said to myself. I jumped off of my bed and went into the bathroom looking in the mirror. I didn't look bad, but I also didn't look good. I stripped off my clothes and stepped into the shower for about 15 minutes before I heard Scooter yell for me to hurry up through the door.

After I got out and got dressed and did my hygiene routine for the day, I went downstairs to meet everyone else and with 5 extra minutes to spare.

"Hey baby," Selena greeted me as I entered the living room where everyone was sitting.

"Hey, Selena." She ran to me and pecked me on the lips.

"Are you ready Justin?" Scooter asked.

"Yeah, let's go." I replied. Kenny grabbed the keys and we all headed out to the black SUV in my driveway.

"Okay, so let me fill you in on what's happening Justin." Scooter began as we began our drive to the dance studio. I pulled out my phone and started browsing through my mentions on twitter. "We are doing more innterviews and shows to promote this new album, whatever you plan on naming it... And we need you to hurry up and finish writing the songs for it, or at least a couple so that we can book some performances to promote it. This is probably going to take from a few months up to a year, depending on how many interviews and shows we end up doing."

"Got it." I said blankly.

"You have a few more dancers coming in today so be sure to just be patient." He warned.

"Okay, Scooter."

"We're leaving you and Selena there so we can go get your scheduling corrected and finalized for the next couple of weeks so make sure you're focused. That means don't distract him Selena."

"Okay, Scooter. We got it, calm down. Justin is going to do fine." Selena said.

"Justin, are you listening?" Scooter asked ignoring Selena.

"Yeah, Scooter. Interviews, shows, new dancers, be patient, stay focused. I got it."

"We're here." Kenny said from the front seat. I slid my phone back in my pocket and said goodbye to everyone in the car, then got out of the car with Selena. The studio was private property so we didn't have to worry about fans or paparazzi trampling us.

When we entered the studio, there were many dancers already there. I put down my bag, and started to stretch.

"Justin, can I have your credit card?" Selena asked.

"Credit card? Why?"

"Well it's going to be boring in here, and Scooter said himself you need to focus. There's no way you'll be able to focus with me here." She giggled flattering herself a little too much.

I reached for my wallet taking out my spending credit card and handing it to her. "Have a ball."

"Thanks baby!" She gleamed, kissing me on the lips and taking the card and walking out of the studio doors.

I took a deep breath, and walked to the front of the room. "Okay, everyone. Lets start. New dancers watch the others and try to keep up. First song we'll work on, All Around the World. Let's go through it once, then we'll go through it together for the newbies. Start up the track." I turned around facing the mirror with my back to the dancers. "5... 6... 7... 8!"


Arianne's POV

"Jacob!" I yelled upstairs. "Hurry up I'm late!"

"I'm coming!" He yelled back sternly.

I sighed heavily and plopped down on the couch. I was waiting on my boyfriend, Jacob, to come downstairs so we could finally go to dance rehearsals, but for some reason he was taking his sweet time.

Today was the first day of my new job I guess you could call it. I was picked to be one of Justin Bieber's new backup dancers. Today is the first day we start practicing, and I'm already late.

"Let's go." Jacob said coming downstairs and walking toward the door. I walked up right behind him, and he opened the door for me to go ahead of him. As I walked through the door, he grabbed my arm, harshly pulling me back. "Don't you ever rush me." He said sternly in my ear. "Got it?"

"Jacob, let go you're hurting me." I tried prying his fingers from the grip he had on my arm, which only made him grip harder and tighter.

"Got it, bitch?" He said again.

"Yes, Jacob." I gave in. He let go and pushed me forward out the door. I looked at my arm where he grabbed me and his large handprint was obvious on my throbbing bicep.

We entered the car and all the way to the studio there was silence. Once we were there, I quickly jumped out if the car and ran into the building. Once I got to the studio doors, I slowly opened them and snuck in, immediately hit with blaring music. When trying to close the door, it slipped out of my hand and closed louder than I wanted it to.

The boy in the front if the room stopped dancing and looked backwards, causing everyone else to look back as well.

"Are you a dancer?" He yelled to me.


He walked over to me and signaled for the guy with the stereo to turn the music down. Just then I realized that he was Justin Bieber. "Why are you late?"

"Umm... Does it matter? I'm here now." I retorted.

"Well with that attitude, you won't be for very long. John!" He called for someone in the group to come join us. "Catch her up. And make it fast. We have things we need to get through, and we don't need slackers."

I narrowed my eyes at Justin as he walked off and back to the group. "He's a dick."

"Not always." The boy said simply. "He's just lost..."

"Aren't we all..." I mumbled to myself. "Aren't we all..."



Thankyou to everyone who's read this first part of my new book PRINCE CHARMING! I think you guys are going to really like this book, so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment to tell me what you think of the first chapter!

Also I am just going to say this now, if you have ANY SUGGESTIONS on what should happen in the book, or something you would like to happen, or even if you want to be featured in the book, LET ME KNOW!!! I write for you!! I will definitely do 99% of the requests if you ask. And please vote and comment. It seriously makes my day when I read your guy's comments and I see how many people vote, I LOVE IT!! And if you have not yet read my other book Cartier, GO READ!!! I love the book, and I just hope you like it too so GO READ IT!!!

Thank you for your time and stay tuned for upcoming chapters!!!!! This is going to be a great book, and I hope you LOVE it!!!

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